понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

Using face creams has led to the prolongation of life and weight loss

The ingredients that make up most of the cream, have not only anti-aging effect, but also lead to a decrease in consumption of high-calorie food. This is the conclusion scientists published an article in the journal Aging Cell. This site EurekAlert! He said on Thursday, December 17th.

Scientists have studied the nematode treated included in anti-aging creams compounds such as allantoin, rapamycin and trichostatin A LY-294002. After receiving the drugs the average life span of worms grown by about 20 percent. In addition, they experienced fewer health problems.

As shown by test mutant worm (Caenorhabditis elegans), animals began to eat much less food, resulting in reduced calorie their diet.

Scientists are going to continue their studies. In particular, they are interested in experiments with mammals (which include person), and the molecular mechanisms by which allantoin and other compounds are able to prolong the life of.

What is needed on the plane this small hole in a window?

It turns out that the inside of the "window" is only for noise and heat insulation, creating an air gap between them and the outside "glazed", it is not designed for heavy loads. The internal part of the "glass" made from cheaper plexiglass and therefore they are not so strong. Accordingly, there is a risk that due to the large pressure difference in the air gap between the glass windows in the cabin, the interior "window" may burst. To avoid this, and need is the smallest hole, which helps to normalize pressure, removing excess air.

суббота, 12 декабря 2015 г.

The most original way to heat the house in winter

The couple from Sweden and Charles Marie Granmar Sasilotto dreamed to build a new, low-energy house, but the realization of this idea would require too much financial investment, and threatened the construction delayed for too long.

And then young people have turned to creative architect Bengt Warne, who offered an unusual solution: cover existing house a huge greenhouse.

So there was the metal structure and 4-mm glass, which is used for the construction of greenhouses. As a result, even in winter, there reigns a mild Mediterranean climate.

The couple can even be grown near the house atypical for Scandinavia products - figs, tomatoes and cucumbers. In addition, many home owners save on electricity.

вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

Scientists have discovered in Europe, a new deadly infection

The risk of infection is able to withstand even the most powerful drugs.

According to doctors, one person in Denmark contracted the deadly infection. Dangerous bacteria were found in chicken meat imported into the country. When checking the contaminated product revealed that it contained a virus mutated gene that makes it resistant to all known drugs.

Now Danish doctors are working to develop new drugs that can stop the progression of the disease. In the worst case, the virus could kill millions of people worldwide.

In November 2015 Scientists have discovered a new sexually transmitted disease. Infection with Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is rarely manifested through symptoms. It can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, an inflammation of the urethra and cervix and can potentially lead to infertility in women.

суббота, 5 декабря 2015 г.

10 interesting facts that you should know about black holes

Imagine matter, packed so tightly that nothing could leave its limits. No moon, no planet, not even light. Those black holes - the point at which the gravitational force is so great that it is a danger to all that accidentally enters a fateful line near the black hole. We often talk about where are the black holes are and why they are so important. Below you will find ten facts about black holes - brush up on your knowledge of these beautiful objects.

1. You can not see a black hole directly.
Because a black hole is truly black - light can not escape its limits - it can not be seen directly, using our tools, regardless of what type of electromagnetic radiation, you see (visible light, X-rays, or whatever). But we can see the effects that the black hole has on the immediate environment. For example, the star was too close to the black hole. The black hole naturally attracts the star and breaks it apart. When the matter of the star begins to be absorbed by the black hole, it is accelerated, it becomes hot and glows brightly in X-ray spectrum.

2. In the Milky Way, most likely, there is a black hole.
Clearly, many are concerned the question of how a black hole is dangerous and threatens the world though there is any possibility to be absorbed by the object? The answer is no, astronomers say, although there is a certain probability that the enormous supermassive black hole hidden at the center of our galaxy. Fortunately, we are quite far from the monster - roughly two-thirds of our galaxy from the center - but its effects can be observed from a distance. The European Space Agency says that the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is a million times more massive than our Sun, and is surrounded by amazingly hot gas.

3. Dying stars create a stellar black holes.
Let's say you have a star 20 times as massive of our sun. Our Sun slowly fade; When nuclear fuel is over, the sun slowly become a white dwarf. But with more massive stars does not. When they run out of fuel, gravity suppresses the natural pressure of the star and pushes it inside. When the pressure of nuclear reactions collapses, the gravitation severely squeezes into the core of the star, its outer layers fly in space. This is called a supernova. The remaining core collapses into a singularity - a point of infinite density and zero volume almost. Singularity - the heart of a black hole.

4. Black holes come in different sizes.
There are at least three different types of black holes, NASA claims, ranging from relatively small to those located in galaxies. Primordial black holes - the smallest, their sizes are from a single atom to the whole mountain. Stellar black holes, the most common type, up to 20 times more massive than our sun. And there are monsters in the centers of galaxies - supermassive black holes. They reach millions of solar masses and more. How do these monsters are formed, it is still not really clear.

5. around black holes, strange things happen.
This is best illustrated by the following example. One man (we'll call him a loser) falls into a black hole, while the other person (Lucky) - looks. From the perspective of the lucky watch Jonah will tick slower and slower. This is because according to Einstein's general theory of relativity, time depends on how fast you are moving when you pick up to extreme near-light speed. The black hole distorts space and time so that the time of Jonah is slower. However, in his view the clock runs normally, but at the Lucky - in a hurry.

6. The first black hole found only with the advent of X-ray astronomy.
Cygnus X-1 was first discovered during a flight in a balloon in 1960, but ten years this place has been identified as a black hole. According to NASA, this black hole is 10 times more massive than the sun. Next to it is a blue supergiant star about 20 times more massive than the sun. A black hole sucks in the star, and she glows brightly in X-ray spectrum.

7. Considers that the nearest black hole - 1,600 light-years.
Erroneous measurement V4641 Sagitarii led to the news that the nearest black hole to us is too close to Earth, only 1,600 light-years. Not close enough to be dangerous, but it is much closer than you think. Further investigation showed that the black hole is much further. Looking at the rotation of its companion star, as well as other factors, the scientists in 2014 provided more accurate results - 20 000 light-years.

8. We do not know whether there are wormholes.
A popular topic for a science fiction story - this is when someone falls into a black hole. Some people believe that these objects are a kind of wormhole wormhole standards in other parts of the universe, allowing to travel faster than the speed of light. But the truth is that we still do not know how to describe them in terms of physics. "We have no theory that would unite general relativity with quantum mechanics, we do not know the whole zoo of possible structures of space-time, which could accommodate wormholes" - says Avi Loeb, a physicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

9. The black holes are dangerous, but if you find yourself too close.
As people at the zoo, we can observe black holes only if you are outside the event horizon - you can imagine it as a planet's gravitational field. This area is a point of no return, if you get too close, you have no chance to escape. But outside of this area of ​​the black hole can be safely observed. In a broader sense, it means that the black hole is unlikely to absorb the entire universe (unless, of course, in our understanding of the physics of the cosmos does not happen a serious revolution).

10. Black Holes - pets of science fiction.
Taken as many films with the participation of black holes, it is impossible to list them all. Of the latter, it may be noted "Interstellar" by Christopher Nolan - it people travel through the universe to look at the black hole. "Event Horizon" explores the phenomenon of artificial black holes - something like that discussed in the "Star Trek." Obviously, these mysterious objects that distort our perception of reality and simply do not fit into the average person's head, popular with writers, writers and directors - also, in general, not ordinary people.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

The Chinese have declared their readiness to clone humans

Chinese scientists from the project recently the world's largest "factory of clones", declared their readiness to clone humans. The only obstacle to this, according to the Chinese - the public reaction.
According to Agence France-Presse, a large-scale plans in the field of cloning said the executive director of the factory of the future Xu Xiaochun. As previously reported Naked Science, the largest enterprise in the world to clone a Chinese company to build Boyalife Group in collaboration with the South Korean Sooam Biotech Research Foundation and Chinese Academy of Sciences in North China Tianjin.
It is planned that the company will begin work in the next seven months. The volume of production of cloned cows by 2020 will amount to one million per year. The term "Clone Factory" also intends to be engaged in the production of horses for races and police dogs with special abilities (increased sense of smell and search).
Another area of ​​interest is the cloning of primates enterprise for medical experiments. Therefore, the application guide future factory about readiness to move from primates to humans was logical. "The technology is already there. If it is officially allowed, I do not think anyone will cope with this better than Boyalife », - he told reporters Xu Xiaochun. He pointed out that so far no experiments in human cloning enterprise carries.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

Geneticists have discovered the molecular clock, predictive cancer

Michael Stratton of the Sanger Institute of Cambridge discovered in the human molecular clock that can measure the speed of development of cancerous tumors. Details of this discovery tells the magazine Nature Genetics.

In the scientific journal Nature Genetics was reported that the scientist Michael Stratton of the Sanger Institute of Cambridge found in the human body molecular clock, which are able to measure the speed of development of cancerous tumors. This watch shows when and what processes mutations occur in the human body.

The scientist said that every year the life processes of mutation in the body is growing. It is absolutely natural, because each cell has a copy of the genome. As a result, the mutated gene is imprinted in onkokletki cells similar signature. These processes mutations may predict the development of cancer to its full manifestation. Thanks to this discovery scientists may be able to find the key to solving the problem of the treatment of cancer.
Scientists have established a record for distance quantum teleportation using intricate and "twisted" photons

Over the past three decades, the science of quantum communication and quantum computing has progressed quite a faster pace, constantly adding new protocols, algorithms and hardware. However, the practical implementation of all these theories, due to which it will be possible to realize a quantum Internet and create super-powerful quantum computers is quite a difficult task at the present time. The actual embodiment of the technologies required for the transmission and processing of quantum information, such as "elusive" quantum router constantly encounters the lack of knowledge and lack of other related technologies.

Anton Zeilinger (Anton Zeilinger), a researcher at the University of Vienna, is one of the pioneers of quantum technologies, his research group has carried out the first quantum teleportation using light photons in 1997. Recently, members of this group have announced that both managed to replay using the new method of quantum entanglement between independent qubits, which divides the distance of 143 kilometers. In addition, they were able to get a pair of entangled photons of light, swirling in a special way, which retained its involvement after going a distance of three kilometers.

To transmit quantum entanglement from one object to another, researchers used a curious phenomenon. They created two traditional way of entangled photons, and by changing the polarization of one of them, have achieved simultaneous change in the polarization of the second photon. Now imagine that there are two pairs of entangled photons, the numbers 0 and 1 in the area of ​​the receiving node, and 2 and 3 in the transmitting node. Both pairs of entangled absolutely no influence on each other and do not even feel the presence of the second pair, in other words, between them there is no physical connection or quantum. Photon 3 is sent from the transmitter to the receiver, and interacts with a photon 1. As a result, photons 1 and 3 are complicated. And the most surprising thing is that, in parallel with the established channel of quantum entanglement between photons 0 and 2, even though they are separated by a distance, and they never interact directly with each other.

Currently, the group of Anton Zeilinger working together with researchers from the Chinese University of Science and Technology (University of Science and Technology of China) within the space project. The following year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Academy of Science) plans to launch a satellite Quantum Science Satellite, on board of which will be a quantum transceiver. The satellite and terrestrial stations in Europe and China, will form the first ever quantum network linking Earth and Space. "If we can create two quantum channel between a satellite and two ground stations, we get 100 percent secure quantum communication channel between Europe and China," - says Mario Krenn (Mario Krenn), a member of the Austrian research group.

Last year a group of Anton Zeilinger reported a successful experiment in which was carried out quantum teleportation of information encoded in the form of the orbital angular momentum (orbital angular momentum, AOM) polarization of a photon of light. The usual form photons can have only two kinds of polarization, so-called polarization levels. But the number of discrete orbital angular momentum of the photon polarization twisted almost unlimited. "In our new laboratory experiments, we have shown that it is possible to create quantum entanglement acting once in a hundred measurements covering a hundred different levels of polarization" - says Mario Krenn - "And such a vast confusion can be kept active at a distance of three kilometers."

"Control of the quantum state of twisted photons is much more difficult than simply measuring the level of polarization of the ordinary photon" - says Mario Krenn, - "But we managed to implement a suitable method of synchronous measurement, which guarantees the absence of the influence of independent pairs of entangled photons at each other and that showed that photons with AOM-involvement retain it as a passing through the fiber under ideal conditions, and through the atmosphere, which can cause distortion of the light passing through it. "

среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

Doctors cracked the blood-brain barrier into the brain to deliver a cure for cancer

To our knowledge, this is the first successful "break" blood-brain barrier without the use of invasive techniques. With the help of ultrasound bubbles, and scientists were able to simply turn off the "ultra-reliable custody", protects the brain from all the excess, which can get into it with blood.

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​may be compared with the customs at the border between the central nervous system and the blood flow. This whole system of cells and mechanisms whose task is to protect the precious brain from toxins, viruses, bacteria and other elements present in the blood. This is a useful and important thing - but in some cases it begins to interfere. BBB is often just as impenetrable wall in the way of drugs that have to work in the brain tissue.

"Blood-brain barrier is a constant obstacle to the delivery of drugs in the treatment of, for example, tumors, - says a Canadian physician and researcher Meynprayz Todd (Todd Mainprize). - And so we are very encouraged that we were able to temporarily "open" this barrier in our patient and to provide targeted delivery of chemotherapy agents directly into the brain tumor. "

The authors argue that this is the first effective non-invasive method of "off" BBB. He looks very interesting. Along with the right medicine in the patient's blood served a myriad of tiny bubbles, smaller than a red blood cell - they are easily carried away by the bloodstream. Then use the scanner and weak sound waves they were working on bubbles only in strictly defined vessels - those that belong to the BBB in the right part of the brain. Ultrasound made the bubbles quickly and vary greatly, pushing superdense connection cells of the vessel wall. In the resulting gaps and penetrating medicine.

Meynprayz colleagues perfected the technique for almost 20 years, but now they are confident that the deed is done, and soon, this approach can be applied in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson, psychiatric abnormalities.
How to learn a new language: 7 Tips from TED translators

Play tips on language learning from the people who know how to say «Hello» and «London is the ...», is meaningless. But by professionals - not. TED translators shared their tricks that help them to learn the language and to motivate yourself for further training.

They say that children learn language faster than the others. However, this does not mean that adults should give up. Here are a few tips to help you cope with a new language:

1. Put realistic goals. Decide on a feasible goal, to not feel overwhelmed. One of the translators of TED, Judith Matz offers to choose 50 words of a new language and try to use them in real life. And only then move on to grammar.
2. Let the language in their everyday life. The more you use a foreign language in everyday life, the more your brain gets used to it. Olga Dmitrochenkova which translates TED lectures to Russian offers to every thing in the house hang a sticker with its name in another language. Also, do not neglect the children's books written in a foreign language.
3. Make a habit of learning the language. Search for language learning something that you like the most and stick to this habit every day. It can be a conversation with people, reading foreign articles and books or movies with subtitles.
4. Let technology help you. Even such a trifle as the installation of another language in your phone can help. Also TED colleagues suggest using a variety of applications. For example, Anki iliDuolingo.
5. Think about learning the language as an opportunity to gain new experience. For Sebastian Betti new language has always been the ability to see the world in new ways. Visiting parks, reading books on a previously unknown language, or listening to music at folk festivals. Other TED translators agree with this advice. For Anna Minoli English has become the ability to watch your favorite movies without translation, and Ivan Stamenkovic, realizing more in the fifth grade, he can speak English, I was able to watch your favorite cartoons without subtitles.
6. Make friends. Interaction with other people in a new language - is the key to learning how to express their thoughts, instead of pronouncing all the words in my head before them to give. If you want, you can easily find a native speaker who wants to talk to you. The possibilities are many, ranging from thematic meetings and ending with the Internet.
7. Do not worry about mistakes. One of the major barriers to learning a new language - it is the fear of making a mistake. But speakers your attempt to communicate with them in their own language - a sign almost genius. They will appreciate your efforts and try to help you. And be patient: the more you talk, the closer become the imaginary ideal of himself.

воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Alphabet predicts the global Internet by the end of 2016

Owns the search engine giant Google Alphabet company predicts that by the end of 2016, even the most remote regions of the world will have access to affordable internet with the help of the project company named Loon initiative.

The company is about to launch the next batch of Internet-balls in Indonesia and hopes to create a network of air Wi-Fi points above the planet by the end of the year.

This network will include balloons 300 that provide access to the network even if one of them will be carried away by the wind.

The initiative was announced Vice President Project Loon Mike Cassidy, who said that they hope the next year to build the first obscheplanetnaya interconnected network and for some regions to provide continuous coverage.

In May last year, Google tested the inflatable cylinders Project Loon in Brazil as part of his first experiment with networks 4G. In February 2014 a record for a balloon in the stratosphere up to 50 days, and in March of 2015 it has 187 days.
Scientists have discovered the cosmic microwave background possible traces parallel universe

Scientists, astronomers studied the signals coming from the most distant corners of space, found some anomalies, saying that the space-time continuum of our universe is destroyed, or rather destroyed a long time ago, on its borders influence of another universe, the physical laws which are fundamentally different from all familiar to us. Further work in this area can provide facts which will serve as partial confirmation of the so-called theory of the Multiverse, according to which in the space, there are many parallel universes, which are periodically penetrate and influence each other.

A team of scientists, led by Dr. Renga-Ram Chari (Ranga-Ram Chary) from the California Institute of Technology, studied the registration data of the cosmic microwave background, which were collected using a space telescope Planck Space Telescope of the European Space Agency. The picture of the microwave background, which is the light that arose at the time of the Big Bang, it was found many spots, the brightness of which significantly exceeds the brightness, they should have according to theoretical calculations.

In order to be able to make such findings, Chari's team used several mathematical models of the microwave background, the data were combined with real data collected by the telescope Planck. After such a combination of signals from the researchers removed all the stars, gas and dust, and after cleaning so the painting was to remain only a uniform noise signal.

However, the resulting picture Background scientists found scattered haphazard way areas whose brightness is 4.5 times the brightness of thousands of general background noise. And analysis of the various characteristics of the radiation of the spot indicates that this may be a kind of signals, born the interaction of our universe and another universe, which occurred a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, that is, 13.8 billion years ago. And the interaction itself like two universes simultaneously inflated bubbles, which are in contact with each other.

In addition, some of the available data indicate that the second Universe is radically different from our own. The ratio of subatomic particles called baryons and photons in this universe is about ten times greater than in our universe. And it says that the other universe is radically different from ours, it reigns a different set of physical laws, and inside it is something quite unusual and unfamiliar.

The resulting group of Dr. Renga-Ram Chari results aroused the interest of other scientists. Some of them believe that these signals may not be the result of other manifestations of the universe, but still behind them, some hitherto unknown phenomenon and are these phenomena require additional and more thorough study. And spend this additional study, the researchers will have an opportunity after the launch of NASA's mission Primordial Inflation Explorer, the possibility of funding which will be discussed only at the end of 2016.
Companies in the United States to pay $ 12 million to attract specialists from Russia

Companies Computer Sciences Corporation and NetCracker within pre-trial proceedings have agreed to pay $ 12 million in connection with suspicion of violation of privacy and the involvement of experts from Russia, put forward by the US Department of Justice.

It is reported that the prosecution is that the employees of both companies sent hackers from Russia program codes to work on them, after which the finished product is sent to the Pentagon. Penalties company agreed to pay in order to later managed to escape the higher costs.

пятница, 6 ноября 2015 г.

   9 scientifically proven reasons to get a dog

Dogs accompany people for over 18,000 years, being the first in the history of pets. And it is not just. Scientists have proven that dogs make us laugh more often than cats, make us more mobile and even reduce the chances of falling into depression. Well, if you still do not believe that the dog - man's best friend (or you have to convince someone), then here's a good reason why you should start a four-legged friend.

1. Dogs make us laugh.
According to one study published in the journal Society & Animals, dog owners often laugh. The researchers interviewed the owners of dogs, cat owners and owners of those and others, and analyzed the data and concluded that only the owners of dogs, or dogs and cats and laugh more often than others.

2. Dogs devotees.
Dog joined the human 18-32 thousand years ago, evolved from the wolf. Wolves live in flocks, where the link between family members are very strong. It is this behavior and makes dogs so true. Scientist Stephen Zavistovski explains that dogs see their owner to another "flock", and therefore become attached to it as if it is his brother or sister.

3. Dogs make us more sociable.
In the UK, a team of scientists from the University of Liverpool and Bristol found that dog owners have more friends than those who do not have a dog. It is logical, given that the dog will make you more likely to go out and walk in the park, where you are likely to meet other owners of four-legged pets.

4. Dogs make us healthier.
Yes, dogs can protect us from disease. Children born in the house where a dog is less risk of developing asthma and allergies to dust. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last year, found that mice that are in the house where the dog lives, it has developed a special group of microbes that protects against allergens. It is reported that these are the germs to protect the child from developing allergies to dust.

5. Dogs make us more active.
Obesity - one of the main problems of modern society. University of Michigan study found that 60% of dog owners who regularly walking their pets have normal weight. Moreover, elderly people walking their dogs, are more mobile and physically healthier than those who simply walks with your partner.

6. Dogs save lives.
Dogs are not the best friends of the cats, but, for example, earlier this year in Florida, a dog rescued by a cat ... a blood transfusion. Some dogs universal blood type, as some people, so that when the cat named Buttercup did not find a donor cat, veterinarians used the dog. The cat survived. People dog, too, of course, help. Especially nadressirovannye dogs, for example, can smell a stroke for 15 minutes before it happens, and start barking to warn the person. As the dog fails to sense it is still not known.

7. Dogs give us a sense of what we need.
Dogs - a great companion for anyone, but especially for the elderly. According to the research journal Journal of Social Psychology, elderly dog ​​owners are more satisfied with their social, physical and mental condition than people the same age without a dog.

8. Dogs give us confidence.
Another study found that dogs are able to make some patients self-confidence and strength to live on.

9. Dogs just make us happy.
Just look at his faithful four-legged friend, you will feel much better, because your body will release the hormone oxytocin. Dog owners are less prone to depression, less tired, have higher self-esteem and generally happy with life. So go ahead - Get a dog. But remember - it's a big responsibility! It is not necessary to purchase a dog, if you are not ready to become her friend the same as it is to you.
10 interesting facts about where did the @, #,%, ~, and other characters

With the emergence and development of the Internet, many printed characters appeared "second life." For example, what kind of online without a "dog"?

1. The exclamation point "!"

The exclamation point comes from the expression «note of admiration» (mark of astonishment). One theory of its origin, it was the Latin word for joy (Io), written with the letter «I» of the letter «o». For the first time the exclamation mark appeared in the "Catechism of Edward VI», published in London in 1553.

2. Dog or commercial floor "@"

The origin of this symbol is not known. The traditional hypothesis - the medieval contraction of the Latin preposition ad (meaning "to", "to", "to", "y", "if").

In 2000, Giorgio Stabile, a professor of Sapienza, put forward another hypothesis. In a letter written by a Florentine merchant in 1536, mentioned the price of one «A» of wine, and the letter «A» was decorated with curls and looked like "@" according to Stabile, it was an abbreviation for volume unit - a standard amphora.

In Spanish, Portuguese, French, @ symbol traditionally meant arroba - old Spanish measure of weight equal to 11.502 kg (12.5 kg in Aragon); the word comes from the Arabic "al-rub", which means "quarter" (a quarter of a hundred pounds). In 2009, the Spanish historian Jorge Romance discovered reduction Arroba symbol @ in the Aragonese manuscript Taula de Ariza, written in 1448, almost a century before Florence's letters, studied Stabile.

Similar to @ signs found in Russian books XVI-XVII centuries - in particular, on the cover sheet of Laws of Ivan the Terrible (1550). This is usually decorated with curl letter "az", indicating in Cyrillic numerals unit, in the case of Sudebnik - the first point.

3. Oktotorp or sharp "#"

Etymology and English orthography (octothorp, octothorpe, octatherp) controversial words.

According to some sources, the sign comes from the medieval cartographic tradition, where so designated village, surrounded by eight fields (hence the name «octothorp»).

In other news, it's a playful neologism employee Bell Labs Don Macpherson (born. Don Macpherson), which appeared in the early 1960s, from octo- (lat. Octo, Russian. Eight), the speaker of the eight "end" character, and - thorpe, refers to Jim Thorpe (medalist of the Olympic Games, which was interested in McPherson). However, Douglas Kerr (Eng. Douglas A. Kerr) in his article «The ASCII Character" Octatherp "» says «octatherp» created as a joke of his own, as well as Bell Labs engineers and Herbert John Shaak Utlautom. The publication «The Merriam-Webster New Book of Word Histories» (1991) gives the spelling «octotherp» as the original, and considers the telephone engineers its sponsors.

4. The semicolon ";"

The semicolon was first introduced by the Italian printer Aldus Manutius (Italian. Aldo Pio Manuzio; 1449 / 1450-1515), who used it to separate the opposing words and independent parts slozhnosochinёnnyh proposals. Shakespeare had to use a semicolon in your sonnets. In the Russian text the comma and semicolon appeared in the late XV century.

5. Percentage of "%"

The word "percent" comes from the Latin. «Pro ​​centum», which means in translation "hundredth part". In 1685 in Paris the book "Guide to commercial arithmetic 'Mathieu de la Porte. At one point it was a question of percentages, which are then designated «cto» (abbreviated from cento). However, typesetter took this «cto» for printed roll and "%". So because of a typo that sign came into use.

6. The ampersand "&"

Authorship is credited ampersand Marcus Tullius Tiro, faithful servant and secretary of Cicero. Even after Tyrone became a freedman, he continued to write lyrics Cicero. And in '63 BC. e. He invented a system to speed up the rate of writing called "tironovskimi signs" or "tironovymi notes» (Notæ Tironianæ, originals did not survive), which were used until the XI century (so that at the same time feel more Tyrone and the founder of the Roman shorthand).

7. A question mark "?".

It is found in printed books from the XVI century, but to express the question he is fixed much later, only in the XVIII century.
Inscription sign comes from the Latin letters q and o (quaestio - search [response]). Originally written q over o, which are then transformed into a modern mark.

8. asterisk, asterisk or "*".

It was introduced in the 2nd century BC. e. in the texts of the ancient Library of Alexandria grammarian Aristophanes of Byzantium to indicate ambiguities.

9. The parentheses "()".

Parentheses appeared in 1556 Tartaglia (for radical expression) and later - at Girard. Simultaneously Bombelli used as a starting corner brackets in the form of a letter L, and as a final - it is in inverted form (1550); such record was the ancestor of the square brackets. Braces offered Wyeth (1593). Yet most mathematicians then chose instead parentheses nadchёrkivat generated expression. In general use brackets introduced Leibniz.

10. The tilde "~".

In most languages ​​superscript tilde sign corresponds occurring letters n and m, which in medieval cursive often written above the line (above the previous letter) and Inscription degenerated into a wavy line.

вторник, 3 ноября 2015 г.

The new model demonstrates the enormity of the collision of two black holes

We know that black holes that appear from the remains of the victims of supermassive stars have such a strong force of gravity that not even light, crossed the border of the event horizon, can not leave this region of space. Because of their low weight and scrutiny of the unique properties of black holes are very difficult objects to create their mathematical models. But the complexity of the mathematical model of the collision of two black holes and say why not. However, such a model has already been created and the results of its calculations allowed the researchers to make a video that illustrates the enormity of the event, which manifests itself in the form of two "maneuvering" black bodies, distorting the nearby space, even the light from distant stars.

In the world of asteroids, planets and comets all traffic collisions and obey the laws of classical physics. These laws are a set of rules that imposed even Isaac Newton to describe concepts such as acceleration, deceleration, speed, kinetic energy and its transmission from one body to another in a collision. Classical Newtonian Dynamics works quite well in the simulation, for example, landing on other planets, the trajectories of celestial bodies, and even the fall of a massive asteroid to Earth. But at the time, Albert Einstein showed that Newtonian physics is at best a rather crude approximation of the laws of the global behavior of everything in the universe.

Black holes due to its gravity distorts space-time continuum in the surrounding space, creating space radiating gravitational perturbations. When two black holes approach each other at a distance sufficient to enter the gravitational traps each other, they begin to converge, moving at a rate of a substantial fraction of the speed of light. And what happens with the space at this time, the scientists describe the following phrase: "It is the space in the area of ​​near black holes, just torn into small pieces." And every time scientists have tried to describe the ongoing processes in such moments, "such formulas were obtained, that our brains were ready to explode with it" - says physicist Matthew Duez (Matthew Duez).

Matthew Duez, a scientist in the field of theoretical physics, works in the project Simulating Extreme Spacetimes (SXS), he says that within a few decades, when it came to the creation of mathematical models of black holes, the researchers used a set of much simpler and trim concepts to provide mediocre results. However, in their work, scientists project SXS tried to avoid it as possible, they even had to modify the equations of Einstein's field that determine the levels of space-time distortion under the influence of extremely high forces.

Model of the black hole, the project team developed SXS, improved and supplemented for quite a long time. And as a result, it has reached a level, when her help was possible to simulate the collision of two massive black holes, showing something, but what it can be like when viewed from the side. Scientists placed two virtual black hole at the center of the Milky Way virtual, and then start the program of mathematical modeling "tracking" of each ray of light from distant stars, through which you can get a visual representation of the collision.

If you view the video at maximum quality, and in full screen mode, you can see the appearance, disappearance and displacement of the rays of light that seems to literally dance around the black hole under the influence of gravity. Naturally, the stars themselves in the background remain stationary, but their emitted light begins to "swirl", refracted, and focus revolve around the gravitational lens of a black hole, forming a halo round, known as the "Einstein rings".

The Arctic Circle have found the oldest purebred dogs

The Arctic Circle eight thousand years ago, the breeding of dogs and brought rock to modern standards of Siberian huskies.

Archaeologists working on the New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, between the Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea - in particular, in the parking lot of ground hunters on the island Zhokhova. This place is one of the most northern archaeological sites of the world and the oldest traces of human presence in the high latitudes.

In this area, the dogs were domesticated, not only, but also to meet the standards of modern sled Siberian huskies, including the animal's body weight - 25 kilograms. In addition, the dog park Zhohovskoy lived to ripe, and some to old age, as evidenced by the skull of these animals with heavily worn dentition during the life of the system. Thus, people caring for aging animals.

Who, when and why of the first domesticated dog
Found during excavations sledges say that the dog is used to move, although there were more large individuals, which use most likely to hunt bear.

The remains found during excavations also allowed the restoration of the annual cycle of the people who lived in these places eight thousand years ago. Then the modern Siberian Islands were part of the land and the coast has a permanent camp, where, according to different estimates of scientists, lived from 25 to 50 people.

They practiced fishing reindeer and polar bears, and the production was all-season deer, bear and fishing was carried out mainly in the winter. Apparently, when hunting in the northern predator ancient humans perfected the skills of hunting brown bear, possessed of their ancestors who lived in the forest-tundra and taiga. Bear hunted for human consumption anywhere in the world traces of eating polar bears in such large numbers has not yet been found, archaeologists say.

The excavations on the island, scientists have identified at least five Zhokhova human individuals - four men and women, some of them are close relatives. Genetic research has shown that they belong to the group, which had a West Eurasian origin. The ancestors of these people have come here from the territory lying west - perhaps from the north of Western Siberia and the Urals. This population is preceded by any of today's ethnic groups, known in the area, - Yukagirs, nations Tungus group, Yakuts and Russian. They did not have to continue in the local population of later periods.

понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

Japanese scientists have invented a drug that kills the flu virus one day

Current drugs to beat the flu virus, it takes at least five days. Japanese scientists have come up with a drug that will help cope with the viral disease in just one day. By doing such a miracle pill pharmacological market is expected in 2018.

A new invention in the market of drugs reported by the newspaper Nikkei. The Japanese pharmaceutical company Shionogi & Co plans to release as she calls it, the world's first drug for the treatment of influenza in one day at the beginning of 2018. In contrast to existing analogs new drug prevents the spread of the influenza virus. Its action is based on the fact that it does not allow the virus to the enzymes necessary for its reproduction. The causative agent of the disease simply locked inside the body without the ability to spread, and within a day dies. The drug is taken orally.

Note to beat the flu, modern medicines requires a minimum of five days. The drug has already passed the first clinical trials on healthy people in Japan, and has shown its safety. The second phase will begin in November, when the number of cases of influenza increases dramatically.

The drug will be tested already in several hundred patients. The Ministry of Health of Japan after the final test and obtain a license for the drug to put it on the market. It is planned to make at the beginning of 2018.

Influenza - an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Included in the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). Periodically it distributed in the form of epidemics. Currently it identified more than two thousand. Variants of influenza virus. WHO estimates that of all the variants of the virus during seasonal epidemics in the world die each year from 250 to 500 thousand. People (most of them are older than 65 years). Each year, doctors discover new epidemic strains of influenza, immunologists develop new vaccines against them. Recently, however, two groups of scientists announced the creation of a universal vaccine suitable for the fight against all strains of the virus. Unlike conventional that use comfortable, but fast-changing target proteins on the surface of virus particles, these drugs are based on a much more stable protein - hemagglutinin, available for all types of influenza virus H1N1.

And he and the other approaches have demonstrated their effectiveness. In experiments on laboratory mice showed the vaccine's ability to form immunity from influenza H5N1, a close (and very dangerous) relative H1N1. In further experiments, "with nanoparticles vaccine" was able to protect ferrets and "vaccine with a protein rebuilt" - experimental monkeys. Of the six, four rodents survived (in the control group who did not receive the vaccine died from the flu all six animals), and grafted a monkey moved the disease much easier.
The new algorithm watches the people behind the wall via Wi-Fi

Wireless networks like everything and they appear wider. But even a traditional Wi-Fi-signal can be much more than we used to. RF Capture system allows you to track people's movements and postures through walls - even on the opposite side of the building - through radio Wi-Fi-router.

Developers RF Capture promise to formally introduce the system at the conference SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 to be held in a few weeks, however, the basic details of the project released now. I must say that this is not the first such development. Like its predecessor, for it requires the use of a router with special add-ons that can collect and process the reflected radio signal.

However, until now such systems could specify a maximum number of people on the wall, without distinguishing any details. RF Capture with higher resolution and can detect movement, posture, and even the position of different parts of the body. Recognizing rights and were instructed not to keep an eye on him, the system will continue to monitor all the movements of his silhouette, focusing on growth and body shape of the object of observation. According to the authors, it can distinguish between up to 15 different people with the reliability of 90%.

"The data you get from the reflected waves, it turns out quite a few, - says one of the authors of RF Capture kataba Dina (Dina Katabi). - However, we have been able to allocate significant signal through a series of specially designed algorithms remove the noise. " The developers believe that these algorithms can be applied not only to spy on people, but also in the more noble pursuit - digital cinema, "smart homes" ...

"We are working on a home security device that can automatically call the rescue when someone is in the house collapses - continues kataba. - Another example, one can imagine a system of control home lighting, entertainment systems, air conditioning that works based on your location in the house. "
The ancestor of apes and humans weighing more than five kilograms of not

Paleontologists have found in Spain an ancient skeleton of a primitive ape age of about 11.6 million years. According to scientists, it was the ancestor of all apes and humans. Her weight was surprisingly small - only 4-5 kilograms.
Until now, scientists have assumed that the ancestor of monkeys, including the hominoids (apes) were large animals. However, this theory denies found the skeleton of a primitive ape. The study of fossils is published in the journal Science.
In 2011, the artist David Alba from Autonomous University of Barcelona dug up in the northern part of Catalonia (Spain) several hundred fragments of bones of small primates, 70 of which managed to combine in a partial skeleton consisting of a skull of the paws, teeth and several partially preserved joints. After studying its anatomy, the scientists were surprised to find that this creature could be the common ancestor of apes and humans. Paleontologists have found the animal called Pliobates catalonia and gave an informal nickname of "Eulalia" in honor of the saint - patron saint of Barcelona.
Ancient ape looked like a gibbon on alleged hominid ancestors: gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and humans. The primitive structure of the teeth is characteristic of Old World monkey, and the structure of the skull and the ratio of body mass to the mass of the brain close to the hominoids. The brain, too, she was quite small - a cranial capacity did not exceed 69-75 cu. cm. This suggests that her intellectual abilities were quite low, similar to the ability of modern monkeys and macaques. To the surprise of scientists, the weight of the monkeys is not more than 4-5 kg. This monkey was moving slowly, according to its anatomy, but it was pretty clever. Unusually turned the device limb. The slope of the wrist gently let the monkey climb trees, but the elbow was deprived of features allowing to hang on the branches (namely those traits distinguish modern apes from other primates). Finally, the structure of the outer ear was even more primitive than the primates that preceded the Old World monkeys.
Judging by the nature of the micro-cracks on the teeth, Eulalia ate fruit and other soft food. Lived alleged ancestor of apes and humans in the Miocene epoch (11.6 million years ago), adopted much later date in a separate allocation of hominoid superfamily.
The boy, who has lived his entire life as an astronaut on an alien planet 

The boy in the photo was called David Vetter (David Vetter). He lived a short, in his own vivid, but in fact infinitely tragic life. Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, identified at the stage of pregnancy led to the fact that right from the womb David Vetter got into isolated from the outside world impermeable plastic bubble, in which spent 12 years.

The first son of David's parents died at the age of seven months. Death occurred due to dysfunction of the thymus - prostate, in which the maturation and differentiation of immunologically "learning» T-cells of the immune system. The reason for this dysfunction was severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (stki). At each subsequent child was a 50% chance of inheriting this syndrome. The doctors offered in such a case, immediately after the birth of the child placed in a sterile isolator that after some time for bone marrow transplantation. As the donor was supposed to make Vetter daughter Katrina.

The couple passionately wanted to have an heir, and decided to take another pregnancy, believing that after a short treatment their child could lead a normal life. To leave had been prepared sterile cocoon, where David was placed less than 10 seconds after delivery. Then David was baptized with holy water sterilized. However, after the birth of David revealed that Katrina is not compatible donor, and a bone marrow transplant is not possible. Bubble, was conceived as a temporary solution, has become his home.

David grew up and soon became neobhodimo equipped for him and the whole bladder hospital room. Water, air, food, clothing - everything was special treatment before it reaches the bladder. All manipulations were carried out through the walls of the bladder attached to the plastic gloves. Engines who supported the bubble inflated, published loud noise that interfered with normal conversation with David. When he was three years old, was attached to the bladder gaming compartment. But David refused to go into a new "room" of his bladder, while the therapist Mary Murphy is not persuaded, offering a good look at the goldfish aquarium with which she held in her hands.

Doctors and parents have tried to make it a normal life. He studied, watched TV. But David wanted himself to be a part of the world, that he saw through the window and on the TV. He once said: "In my talks, I have to do. Why should I learn? Why should I read? What's the use? Anyway, I can not do anything? So what is all this? "When David was about three years old, he could spend two or three weeks at his parents' house, where the established bladder. His sister slept with him in the same room. They were friendly, although sometimes fought using gloves. Once David Katrina hit and moved to the far wall of the bladder, where she could not get it. But in the end prevailed Katrina - she threatened to turn off the bubble, and even done it a few times. If the main bubble deflates David could take refuge in a small inner bladder.

He had friends, his classmates came to visit. Once, they even arranged for him to view the "Return of the Jedi" in the local movie theater where David was brought to the bladder, which is usually carried home from the hospital. When David was 4 years old, he found himself in a bubble, you can make a hole using a syringe accidentally left there. Then the doctors had first to tell him about bacteria, and about his illness. By five years, David is fully aware of their difference from others, and understand what the future he will. Despite the fact that the media created an image of quite a healthy baby boy, trapped in a bubble, in the life of the mind of David it was unstable due to the lack of human interaction and awareness of the hopelessness of their situation. On the face of it, as a rule, it was stressed polite, but the fury found out. One day, he scattered inside the bubble own excrement. Besides, he was very afraid of bacteria. He often had nightmares about the "king of microbes."

In 1974, NASA developed for David suit that would allow him to take a walk outside the bubble. When he handed over a suit, David refused to wear it in front of the press. Later, when journalists went, trying on all the same place, but David did no more than six steps. Later, he made himself a costume, but wore it only seven times until he became his small. New suit courtesy NASA, he did not put a single time.

Over time, the situation became unbearable. The chances of finding the treatment did not increase. Doctors feared that as a teenager, David will become more aggressive and unpredictable. The US government is going to cut funding for the project, which had demanded 1.3 million dollars, but did not bring any tangible results. In 1983, when David was 12, the same three doctors that originally came up with the whole experiment, his parents offered to do a bone marrow transplant despite incomplete compatibility of the donor. Find a fully matching donor and failed, and in the past years there has been great progress in operations with incomplete donors. The operation went well and within a few months after it had strong hopes that David will be able to finally leave the bladder.

But then David for the first time in my life got sick. He began diarrhea, fever, vomiting and internal bleeding. As it turned out, the bone marrow Katrina contained traces of sleeping Epstein-Barr virus. Once in the body, David, the virus began to spread rapidly and has created hundreds of cancer. The symptoms were so severe that he had to be extracted from the bladder to treat. When his father asked him directly if he wants to leave the bubble, David replied that he agreed to anything just to feel better. Outside the bubble of his condition continued to deteriorate, and he fell into a coma. Then his mother for the first time in my life been able to touch her son. He died 15 days later, on 22 February 1984. He was 12 years old.

пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

One of the most burning mysteries of the early history of America

One of the most burning mysteries of early American history - the complete disappearance of the colony founded in the XVII century by Sir Walter Raleigh on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina.

In the settlement, there were 170 people, including women and children.

Around the hostile Indian tribes lived.

Founded a colony, Raleigh sailed on his ship, but a few years back. To his utter astonishment, houses were empty!

There was no trace of the massacre, or fire, or other disaster. No trace of the missing British. Only one wooden post sported a mysterious inscription, carved with a knife, "Croatan" ...

Only a century later to find the first thread to unravel. White hunters wandered in one Indian village, two hundred miles from Roanoke.

There, as it turned out, lived Croatan Indians. Their skin is very different light color, but at home - an improved layout. Moreover, in a conversation Croatan use old English!

In 1790, in a strange village it was first census of the population. It turned out that many Indians - English names; and, in 54 cases, these names were the same as that of the missing settlers of Roanoke.

Draw attention to themselves and other circumstances. Island settled immigrants from the English city of Skoviltauna - the Indian village was called Skafltaun! ..

When the elders of the village told the researchers that their ancestors were white-skinned, blue-eyed and "talking books" - the last doubts vanished.

Nearly two centuries ago, the colonists of Roanoke - all without exception - was captured and taken inland warriors Croatan.

Maybe someone from the settlers decided to cut on the pillar inscription tells the story of the tragedy of the island. But only managed to scribble the name of a tribe attacked a Roanoke ...

Evolution of stars

Although the human time scale, and the stars seem to be eternal, they, like all things in nature, are born, live and die. According to the generally accepted hypothesis dust cloud, a star is born as a result of gravitational compression of interstellar gas and dust clouds. As the seal of the cloud is first formed protostar, the temperature at the center has grown steadily until it reaches the limit required for the speed of the thermal motion of particles exceeded the threshold at which the protons are able to overcome the macroscopic forces of mutual electrostatic repulsion and join the reaction of thermonuclear fusion.

As a result, a multi-stage reaction of thermonuclear fusion of four protons eventually formed the nucleus of helium (2 protons + 2 neutrons) and stands a fountain of different elementary particles. In the final state the total mass of the produced particles smaller than that of the original four protons, and thus in the process of reaction produces free energy. Because of this, the inner core of the new-born star quickly heated to extremely high temperatures, and the excess energy begins to spill toward it less hot surface - and out. At the same time the pressure in the center of the star begins to rise. Thus, the "burning" of hydrogen in fusion reactions, the star does not give the forces of gravitational attraction to squeeze themselves to a superdense state, opposing gravitational collapse continuously renewable internal thermal pressure, resulting in an sustainable energy balance. About the stars on the stage of active hydrogen combustion say they are on the "main phase" of their life cycle or evolution (see. Hertzsprung-Russell). The transformation of one chemical element into another inside a star is called nuclear fusion and nucleosynthesis.

In particular, the Sun is in the active phase of the combustion of hydrogen in the process of nucleosynthesis active for about 5 billion years, and stocks of hydrogen in the core for its continuation of our luminary should last another 5.5 billion years. The more massive the star, the greater the margin of hydrogen fuel at its disposal, but to counter the force of the gravitational collapse of hydrogen, it is necessary to burn with the intensity that exceeds the rate of growth of the rate of growth of reserves of hydrogen with increasing mass of the star. Thus, the more massive the star, the shorter its lifetime, determined by depletion of hydrogen, and the biggest stars are literally burn for "some" tens of millions of years. The smallest stars, on the other hand, the "comfortably" there are hundreds of billions of years. So on this scale our Sun belongs to "a strong middle peasants".

Sooner or later, however, any star will spend the whole suitable for burning in its thermonuclear furnace hydrogen. What's next? It also depends on the mass of the star. Sun (and all the stars, does not exceed the weight of more than eight times) ends his life rather banal way. With the depletion of hydrogen in the interior of the star power of gravitational contraction, waited patiently for this hour since the inception of the lights begin to prevail - and under the influence of the star begins to shrink and thicken. This process leads to a twofold effect: temperature in the layers immediately surrounding the core of the star rises to a level at which the hydrogen contained therein comes, finally, to the reaction of thermonuclear fusion to form helium. At the same time, the temperature in the core, consisting Now almost one helium rises so much that the mere helium - a kind of "ashes" decaying primary reaction nucleosynthesis - enters a new fusion reaction: three helium nuclei form one carbon nucleus. This process is a secondary reaction of thermonuclear fusion, the fuel for which the products are the primary reaction - one of the key moments of the life cycle of stars.

When the secondary combustion of helium in the core is released so much energy that the star begins to literally swell. In particular, the shell of the sun at this stage of life will extend beyond the orbit of Venus. Thus the total energy of the radiation of the star remains approximately at the same level as during the main phase of her life, but, as this energy is emitted now through a much greater surface area, the outer layer of the star cools down to the red part of the spectrum. Star turns into a red giant.

For star-class Sun after the depletion of fuel supply secondary reaction nucleosynthesis, again comes the stage of gravitational collapse - this time final. The temperature inside the core is no longer able to rise to the level required to start the fusion reaction the next level. Therefore, the star contracts until such time as the forces of gravitational attraction will not be balanced by the following power barrier. In his role acts the pressure of the degenerate electron gas (see. Chandrasekhar limit). Electrons to this stage to play the role of unemployed extras in the evolution of stars, not engaging in nuclear fusion and moving freely between the nuclei in the process of synthesis, at a certain stage of compression are deprived of "living space" and begin to "resist" further gravitational compression of the star. Status star stabilizes, and it turns into a degenerate white dwarf, which will radiate into space the residual heat, until cool completely.

Stars more massive than the sun, waiting for a much more spectacular end. After combustion of helium mass in compression is sufficient to heat the core and shell to the temperatures required to run the following reactions of nucleosynthesis - carbon, then silicon, magnesium - and so on, the growth of nuclear masses. Thus at the beginning of each new reaction in the core continues its previous envelope. In fact, all chemical elements up to iron, of which the universe was formed as a result of nucleosynthesis in the interior of the dying star of this type. But iron - is the limit; it can not serve as fuel for nuclear fusion reactions, or the collapse at any temperature and pressure, as for its collapse, and to add to it additional nucleons needed influx of external energy. As a result of a massive star gradually accumulates inside the iron core, incapable serve as fuel for any further nuclear reactions.

Once the temperature and pressure inside the core reaches a certain level, the electrons begin to react with the protons of iron nuclei, whereby the neutrons produced. And in a very short period of time - some theorists believe that this takes a matter of seconds - available throughout the previous evolution of the star, electrons literally dissolve in the proton nuclei of iron, all the material core of the star turns into a solid bunch of neutrons and begins to rapidly shrink in gravitational collapse because to oppose it degenerate electron gas pressure drops to zero. The outer shell of the star, from under which is stamped every prop, falls towards the center. The energy of the collision with the outer shell of the collapsed core of a neutron is so high that it is with great speed bounce and scatter in all directions from the nucleus - and the star literally explodes in a blinding flash of a supernova. In a matter of seconds in a supernova explosion can be released into space more energy than is emitted at the same time all the stars of the galaxy together.

After supernova shell expansion and the stars of a mass of about 10-30 solar masses ongoing gravitational collapse leads to the formation of a neutron star, a substance which is compressed until until begins to be felt degeneracy pressure of neutrons - in other words, now the neutrons (like Moreover, as previously did the electrons) begin to resist further compression, demanding currently living space. It usually occurs on reaching the size of a star about 15 km in diameter. The result is a rapidly spinning neutron star emitting electromagnetic pulses at a frequency of rotation; Such stars are called pulsars. Finally, if the mass of the star's core is more than 30 solar masses, nothing can stop its further gravitational collapse, and as a result of a supernova a black hole.

Antiparasitic drug makes the blood toxic to human malarial mosquitoes

Ivermectin belongs to the avermectin family, antimalarial, for which this year's Chinese Tu Yu won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. However, even its recognized ability to help in the fight against malaria, seem to have been underestimated. Recent studies show that massive use of ivermectin population significantly reduces the number of mosquitoes - malaria vectors.
Generally ivermectin has a fairly broad antiparasitic activity, it is used in the fight against lice, nematodes, mites, and is known for its insecticidal activity. That is, according to the American entomologist Bryan Foy (Brian Foy) and his colleagues, making ivermectin potential weapons of mass destruction in the fight against malaria. "For a person in reasonable doses, it is safe enough. Therefore, if we "vaccinate" ivermectin majority of the population, some mosquitoes bite people die immediately, while others will be weakened and unable to survive - about the researchers reasoned. - Tooth for a tooth! "
Indeed, in the laboratory, where scientists are allowed to drink plenty komariha blood containing the drug in different concentrations were obtained very encouraging results. Since then, Brian Foy and his team decided to move to field trials. Teaming up with colleagues from Burkina Faso, they conducted experiments in several villages in the south-west of the country. The population of "vaccinated" with ivermectin in combination with anthelminthics (albendazole) - a standard local "cocktail" for protection against tropical parasites are common, which is recommended for use twice a year. However, taking ivermectin continued every three weeks, almost without exception (except for pregnant women and young children).
The brave experiment started only in June 2015 and is still ongoing. But its first results, according to Brian Foy, inspire great optimism. Speaking recently at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the scientist reported that it was in the past six months, the incidence in the four experimental villages has decreased in comparison with its neighbors, where no additional intake of ivermectin is not appointed. During this period, it recorded 94 cases of malaria is less than might be expected.

On the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko found oxygen

Space probe "Rosetta", to the surprise of planetary scientists, discovered a large amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko. It turned out that oxygen has experienced the formation of the solar system that scientists believe is impossible. This finding refutes a significant part of the theories of planetary formation.

The study is published in the magazine Nature. According to the participants of the scientific team of "Rosetta" Katherine Altwegg of the University of Bern, the space probe "Rosetta" discovered oxygen in a gas cloud surrounding the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko (67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko), almost immediately after he arrived in the vicinity of the comet August last year. However, scientists have long believed in the impossible, they said, the phenomenon. "When we saw this, we have begun to doubt, because I did not expect to find such a comet. The main question - how he (oxygen) got there, "- Catherine said Altwegg. The researchers found that oxygen is the fourth to extend the gas around the comet after water vapor, carbon monoxide and dioxide.

As suggested planetary oxygen got into the bowels of the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko at a time when it is a collection of microscopic grains of dust and ice on the outskirts of the future of the solar system. That is, the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere of the comet over the system that denies many existing theories of planet formation.

Until now komah comets found, mainly water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases, and scientists believed that in the early stage of formation of the solar system occurred oxygen reacted with hydrogen and therefore can be found in the comet substance consisting only of water.

"According to the available scientific models, it could not have existed for so long. It reveals the mechanism of origin of the solar system. It has to be quiet for the formation of ice grains. They are still in the initial state. Now we have evidence that most of the comet survived the creation of the solar system, "- said one of the study's authors Andre Bailey of the University of Michigan.

Rosetta spacecraft with the descent module Philae («Fila") launched on board the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko in 2004. His goal, he reached in 2014 and will finish the work in September 2016. The device will come close to the comet, exploring it, and eventually fall to the outer body.

Marriage increases the chances of survival after surgery - scientists

The researchers are not just focused on the health benefits of marriage for men and women (although many such conclusions seem strange). Now, however, experts say that the chances of survival after heart surgery in married / married also higher.

A new study published in the journal JAMA Surgery, and an overview is available in the press release of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The authors of the work are Mark Newman (Mark D. Neuman) and Werner Rachel (Rachel M. Werner). The scientists studied about 30 thousand. People in 17 years. Then there were selected 1576 people who underwent heart surgery in the past two years. 65% of the number of participants in this experiment were married / single. 12% of men were divorced, and another 21% - a widower. In the group were also 2% of those who never married.

Generally divorced and widowed people showed lower chance of survival after surgery. The likelihood that they will die or get a new heart problems, was 40% higher if the analogy with married / married. Scientists have identified here are two aspects to explain the phenomenon. First, the unmarried was called a "psychologically stable." Second, an important role in the operation have relatives (whom living alone who is less than or does not). They can help in choosing the hospital or surgeon.

"Family - a factor that allows to predict survival and recovery from heart surgery. Further research is needed to determine the mechanisms that link the marital status and postoperative outcomes, "- say the study authors.

Previously, scientists have repeatedly emphasized the benefits of marriage for people's health. The average life expectancy of married men and women was higher than the life expectancy alone. Lowest results showed divorced: they, in particular, the risk of dying from pneumonia was six times higher. In such cases, researchers have focused on the need for social support. The social isolation, in turn, can be harmful, like cigarettes or alcohol. On the other hand, marital problems (if they exist) may also have a negative impact on human health.

Who has found a soul mate, and challenges await another kind. German and Swiss scientists, for example, believe that marriage increases the chances of obesity. The difference between the body mass of single and married / married ceteris paribus was about 1 kg. The experts themselves say that although unmarried, and consume more healthy foods, they pay less than the time of their appearance that negates the positive effect. The study involved people of Russia and the European Union.

Scientists: A person can determine the distance to the ear

American researchers in the experiment found that people can unconsciously calculate the distance to the visible or hidden away objects based only on the sound intervals. Moreover, the human brain more confidence intervals audio than visual images.

Because the speed of light is the speed of sound, one can see certain events before they hear. For example, by measuring the elapsed time between a flash of lightning and thunder, you can roughly determine the distance at which the storm. However, scientists from the University of Rochester in New York during the experiment found that people can unconsciously calculate distance, relying only on the sound intervals. The study is published in the scientific journal PLoS One.

"Despite the fact that people are primarily visual creatures, our research shows that the assessment of the relative distance to objects is more accurate when the visual data is backed up beeps. Our brains detect acoustic signals, even if they are separated from the visual is too short to consciously notice it, the time "- said study author Dugi Tadini.

Dugi Tadini and his colleagues were able to find out what people unconsciously notice sound intervals that do not exceed 40 milliseconds. Subtle consciously pause between the signals used to determine the distance. In the first experiment, volunteers were asked to move the stereoscopic glasses two geometric shapes, until they are at the same distance from the observer. Simultaneously with the appearance of each figure (or immediately after the onset) heard a click. It turns out that when you click retarded figure was perceived as more distant - even if it was actually closer.

In the second experiment, the figure moved quickly toward the back and the participants. When at the same time people heard the sound delayed by only 42 milliseconds, the object was seen as far (even if its proximity to the observer). Furthermore, if removal of the figure coincides with the delay of sound (the natural situation), people can more accurately determine the relative distance to the object. "It is striking that the participants could not consciously identify that there were sound delay, but nevertheless it had a great impact on the perception of distance," - said one of the researchers, Philip Dzhekl.

Scientists from Russia told why a man becomes a murderer

Russian researchers believe that the new discovery will help to calculate the people capable of cold-blooded murder. Scientists also point to the ineffectiveness of some modern methods of detecting them.

On the findings of experts according to the press service of the Novosibirsk State University, the results were published in a leading international forensic publications Journal of Criminal Justice. Even in developed countries and then committed brutal murders, and scientists are interested in including a genetic predisposition to it. In modern science, one of the prevailing theory is that encouraging the murder of impulsive aggression develops in childhood on the background of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

However, scientists from Novosibirsk, working under the direction of Peter Menshanova believe that this theory can not explain many cases of murder. This, in particular, is a cold-blooded and planned actions, the commission of which the offender does not show impulsive violence. Another interesting fact is that many of these people were brought up in a good family and did not have any problems as a child.

Total scientists examined (biography and genotyping) 161 criminals convicted in Russia for serious crimes. 85 people from this number received a sentence for murder, and 76 - for inflicting injuries not resulting in death. The focus was on the people who acted in cold blood, but not in the heat of passion.

Such criminals, scientists have found the development of "planned aggression", which is associated with some forms of dopamine receptor D4. The latter is one of the five types of dopamine receptors of vertebrates: it encodes a gene associated with different phenotypes and behavioral disorders. It is, in particular, the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, schizophrenia, as well as the tendency to search for something new.

"The key is the point that the gene has revealed a profile of effects. One of them - non-standard thinking "- the authors note study. This means that the widely practiced treatment of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity can be useless when it comes to the prevention of homicides.

Russian scientists, meanwhile, does not believe that the murder can be predicted by genotype with absolute certainty. It is only about "thinking outside the box" of some people who are able to dangerous actions. They commit a crime or not, depends on many social factors.

Earlier, similar conclusions presented Finnish scientists. According to them, a person can be "dangerous" variants of genes, but a real threat to society, he will be only if it is to grow up in a hostile environment.

Why millionaires wear the same thing every day?

Despite the rapid development of the fashion industry, is gaining more and more popularity so-called capsule wardrobe - wardrobe of just 10-15 basic things. And often it is addressed the richest and most successful people.
1. Less solutions. The more decisions you need to take, the worse the quality. For example, this opinion is shared by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. For people who every day make important decisions at work, removing even the smallest item on the list - such as a selection of morning what to wear - frees more time and space in mind for other thoughts.

2. Less waste of time. We have no idea how much time is spent on the selection of clothes, while not abandoning it. Five years ago in Moscow, an experiment was conducted under the name "333": for 3 months had to wear only 33 of the garment. The test confirmed that the lion's share started to save time in the morning was easier and faster to get ready for work.

3. Less stress. As the art director Mathilde Kal from New York, adhering capsule wardrobe she is experiencing less about clothes for the day. No more of these thoughts: it's not too formal? not too open? "I almost always regretted that worn once approached the subway platform." But now, in the original silk white shirt and black trousers she had on one point of concern is less than daily.

4. spend less energy. This adheres to the idea of ​​Christopher Nolan, the famous director. He notes that energy requires not only a large selection of clothing, but its further maintenance, prompting him about parsing things, laundry, and so on. D. That is what successful people want to spend less time and energy.

5. Less, but better. Often, large wardrobe does not mean that you wear all that it is. "Before, my wardrobe was like a pastry shop with its huge and overwhelming diversity, - says one young mother. - And most of my clothes I did not like, I felt uncomfortable in them. Now my capsule wardrobe - it's like an elite restaurant. I have a smaller choice of options, but I'm sure that each of them - perfect. I do not only look better but also feel better. "

6. cult status. Writer Alice Gregory from New York said: "Wear the same thing every day - it is a cult. It is a cheap and easy way to feel famous. The same suit reflects your maturity, stability, constant value. That is why the characters in children's books are always the same - they are an example to follow, a constant and reliable. "

7. Lower costs. Frankly: in our closets are many things that we did not even put. And now calculate how much this extra money spent!

Hours of Soviet vacuum fluorescent display

Smart clock, much more common, is no surprise. But the engineer John De Cristofaro created a device that is guaranteed to attract interested glances.

It is a self-made clock in the style of cyberpunk with vacuum fluorescent display, which have been widely used in the early 80-ies of the last century and are still used today.

There is no 8-core processors, there is Android on board and there is no memory card slot. This is a digital clock that just show the time. However, working hours are from ordinary penlight batteries and, according to the source, can be worked only 6-10 hours. Why do you need such a device - it's a big question. But, you see, it looks very impressive.

43 exercises for the development of creative thinking

These exercises should perform writing. For each try to set aside some time - 7 minutes, for example.

Close your eyes. Consider one of the objects in the room. Without opening his eyes, list as many signs of this subject. Open your eyes and write down everything you remember, still not looking at the object.

Choose a poem that you like. Use it as the last line of the first line of your own poems.

Where do you go when you want to relax a bit? Write about this place.

In 400 words, describe the ideal place where you want to live.

Write what you would say the intruder, you dropped in at 3am.

Write a story that begins with the words: "One day I had the opportunity ... but I missed it."

Letter to the past. Write a letter to yourself 10-year-old.

In 200 words, describe your first toy.

Write about the most difficult decision you ever made.

Write about the easiest decision, which you have ever taken.

Write a story about the empty glass.

Think about the most boring day in your life. Describe it, but remember that your story does not have to be the same boring.

Start the article 500 the words: "If I could change anything, I would change ..."

Write an explanation why you are not working to improve their writing skills on a daily basis.

Write a story about a blue object.

Imagine that you are in a room full of people, but you are in a single-blind. Record what you see the room and the people in his imagination.

Make a list of everything you're afraid. Choose one of fear and write about it.

In 200 words, describe the hot day.

What do you do in bad weather? Write about this story in 250 words.

Write about what dishes you are treated to the worst enemy.

Think about the person can be called too proud. Describe the behavior of this man.

Using 150 words, describe the appearance, occupation and habits of the person by name, say, Anatoly Bublikov.

List the 50 actions, which you never committed.

Write a monologue on behalf of the fresh-cut flower.

Compose a story, using the keywords "dog breeder-trainer", "law", "beach", "bun".

Write monologue clean socks by mistake got into the refrigerator scored products.

List 15 reasons to learn a foreign language.

Why is the teacher going to change careers? Call at least 10 reasons.

List the 7 worst phrases that can only be said that the dismissed person.

Write a short speech from the angry 7 paragraphs from each of them the expression "growing like a weed."

Write a short story using the word "preacher", "coin", "comb", "staircase", "well".

Write a short story with the story: clones of Elvis Presley conquered the world.

Think of at least 7 reasons, including the most improbable why antiques dealer left his town.

Write a monologue on behalf of a single tree, remaining at the site of the forest after all the other trees are cut down.

List 8 noteworthy reasons justifying a liar.

Write a short story using the word "priest", "ring", "garden", "binoculars".

Ask 5 options inserts the following request: "Please, do not wrinkle ___ because (otherwise, and that) ___."

List 10 things for which you have given to the last 500 rubles a week to paycheck.

Compose a story using the words "Grandpa", "album", "mail", "match".

7 Name the circumstances because of which may blush a dramatist.

Write a monologue on behalf of a spoon caught in a dishwasher.

You get home from the store. List 10 reasons, including the most incredible why the front door of your apartment open.

Write instructions on how to teach a pet cockroach tap dance.