понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

Japanese scientists have invented a drug that kills the flu virus one day

Current drugs to beat the flu virus, it takes at least five days. Japanese scientists have come up with a drug that will help cope with the viral disease in just one day. By doing such a miracle pill pharmacological market is expected in 2018.

A new invention in the market of drugs reported by the newspaper Nikkei. The Japanese pharmaceutical company Shionogi & Co plans to release as she calls it, the world's first drug for the treatment of influenza in one day at the beginning of 2018. In contrast to existing analogs new drug prevents the spread of the influenza virus. Its action is based on the fact that it does not allow the virus to the enzymes necessary for its reproduction. The causative agent of the disease simply locked inside the body without the ability to spread, and within a day dies. The drug is taken orally.

Note to beat the flu, modern medicines requires a minimum of five days. The drug has already passed the first clinical trials on healthy people in Japan, and has shown its safety. The second phase will begin in November, when the number of cases of influenza increases dramatically.

The drug will be tested already in several hundred patients. The Ministry of Health of Japan after the final test and obtain a license for the drug to put it on the market. It is planned to make at the beginning of 2018.

Influenza - an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Included in the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). Periodically it distributed in the form of epidemics. Currently it identified more than two thousand. Variants of influenza virus. WHO estimates that of all the variants of the virus during seasonal epidemics in the world die each year from 250 to 500 thousand. People (most of them are older than 65 years). Each year, doctors discover new epidemic strains of influenza, immunologists develop new vaccines against them. Recently, however, two groups of scientists announced the creation of a universal vaccine suitable for the fight against all strains of the virus. Unlike conventional that use comfortable, but fast-changing target proteins on the surface of virus particles, these drugs are based on a much more stable protein - hemagglutinin, available for all types of influenza virus H1N1.

And he and the other approaches have demonstrated their effectiveness. In experiments on laboratory mice showed the vaccine's ability to form immunity from influenza H5N1, a close (and very dangerous) relative H1N1. In further experiments, "with nanoparticles vaccine" was able to protect ferrets and "vaccine with a protein rebuilt" - experimental monkeys. Of the six, four rodents survived (in the control group who did not receive the vaccine died from the flu all six animals), and grafted a monkey moved the disease much easier.

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