понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

The ancestor of apes and humans weighing more than five kilograms of not

Paleontologists have found in Spain an ancient skeleton of a primitive ape age of about 11.6 million years. According to scientists, it was the ancestor of all apes and humans. Her weight was surprisingly small - only 4-5 kilograms.
Until now, scientists have assumed that the ancestor of monkeys, including the hominoids (apes) were large animals. However, this theory denies found the skeleton of a primitive ape. The study of fossils is published in the journal Science.
In 2011, the artist David Alba from Autonomous University of Barcelona dug up in the northern part of Catalonia (Spain) several hundred fragments of bones of small primates, 70 of which managed to combine in a partial skeleton consisting of a skull of the paws, teeth and several partially preserved joints. After studying its anatomy, the scientists were surprised to find that this creature could be the common ancestor of apes and humans. Paleontologists have found the animal called Pliobates catalonia and gave an informal nickname of "Eulalia" in honor of the saint - patron saint of Barcelona.
Ancient ape looked like a gibbon on alleged hominid ancestors: gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and humans. The primitive structure of the teeth is characteristic of Old World monkey, and the structure of the skull and the ratio of body mass to the mass of the brain close to the hominoids. The brain, too, she was quite small - a cranial capacity did not exceed 69-75 cu. cm. This suggests that her intellectual abilities were quite low, similar to the ability of modern monkeys and macaques. To the surprise of scientists, the weight of the monkeys is not more than 4-5 kg. This monkey was moving slowly, according to its anatomy, but it was pretty clever. Unusually turned the device limb. The slope of the wrist gently let the monkey climb trees, but the elbow was deprived of features allowing to hang on the branches (namely those traits distinguish modern apes from other primates). Finally, the structure of the outer ear was even more primitive than the primates that preceded the Old World monkeys.
Judging by the nature of the micro-cracks on the teeth, Eulalia ate fruit and other soft food. Lived alleged ancestor of apes and humans in the Miocene epoch (11.6 million years ago), adopted much later date in a separate allocation of hominoid superfamily.

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