среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

Doctors cracked the blood-brain barrier into the brain to deliver a cure for cancer

To our knowledge, this is the first successful "break" blood-brain barrier without the use of invasive techniques. With the help of ultrasound bubbles, and scientists were able to simply turn off the "ultra-reliable custody", protects the brain from all the excess, which can get into it with blood.

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​may be compared with the customs at the border between the central nervous system and the blood flow. This whole system of cells and mechanisms whose task is to protect the precious brain from toxins, viruses, bacteria and other elements present in the blood. This is a useful and important thing - but in some cases it begins to interfere. BBB is often just as impenetrable wall in the way of drugs that have to work in the brain tissue.

"Blood-brain barrier is a constant obstacle to the delivery of drugs in the treatment of, for example, tumors, - says a Canadian physician and researcher Meynprayz Todd (Todd Mainprize). - And so we are very encouraged that we were able to temporarily "open" this barrier in our patient and to provide targeted delivery of chemotherapy agents directly into the brain tumor. "

The authors argue that this is the first effective non-invasive method of "off" BBB. He looks very interesting. Along with the right medicine in the patient's blood served a myriad of tiny bubbles, smaller than a red blood cell - they are easily carried away by the bloodstream. Then use the scanner and weak sound waves they were working on bubbles only in strictly defined vessels - those that belong to the BBB in the right part of the brain. Ultrasound made the bubbles quickly and vary greatly, pushing superdense connection cells of the vessel wall. In the resulting gaps and penetrating medicine.

Meynprayz colleagues perfected the technique for almost 20 years, but now they are confident that the deed is done, and soon, this approach can be applied in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson, psychiatric abnormalities.

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