среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

How to learn a new language: 7 Tips from TED translators

Play tips on language learning from the people who know how to say «Hello» and «London is the ...», is meaningless. But by professionals - not. TED translators shared their tricks that help them to learn the language and to motivate yourself for further training.

They say that children learn language faster than the others. However, this does not mean that adults should give up. Here are a few tips to help you cope with a new language:

1. Put realistic goals. Decide on a feasible goal, to not feel overwhelmed. One of the translators of TED, Judith Matz offers to choose 50 words of a new language and try to use them in real life. And only then move on to grammar.
2. Let the language in their everyday life. The more you use a foreign language in everyday life, the more your brain gets used to it. Olga Dmitrochenkova which translates TED lectures to Russian offers to every thing in the house hang a sticker with its name in another language. Also, do not neglect the children's books written in a foreign language.
3. Make a habit of learning the language. Search for language learning something that you like the most and stick to this habit every day. It can be a conversation with people, reading foreign articles and books or movies with subtitles.
4. Let technology help you. Even such a trifle as the installation of another language in your phone can help. Also TED colleagues suggest using a variety of applications. For example, Anki iliDuolingo.
5. Think about learning the language as an opportunity to gain new experience. For Sebastian Betti new language has always been the ability to see the world in new ways. Visiting parks, reading books on a previously unknown language, or listening to music at folk festivals. Other TED translators agree with this advice. For Anna Minoli English has become the ability to watch your favorite movies without translation, and Ivan Stamenkovic, realizing more in the fifth grade, he can speak English, I was able to watch your favorite cartoons without subtitles.
6. Make friends. Interaction with other people in a new language - is the key to learning how to express their thoughts, instead of pronouncing all the words in my head before them to give. If you want, you can easily find a native speaker who wants to talk to you. The possibilities are many, ranging from thematic meetings and ending with the Internet.
7. Do not worry about mistakes. One of the major barriers to learning a new language - it is the fear of making a mistake. But speakers your attempt to communicate with them in their own language - a sign almost genius. They will appreciate your efforts and try to help you. And be patient: the more you talk, the closer become the imaginary ideal of himself.

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