вторник, 3 ноября 2015 г.

The new model demonstrates the enormity of the collision of two black holes

We know that black holes that appear from the remains of the victims of supermassive stars have such a strong force of gravity that not even light, crossed the border of the event horizon, can not leave this region of space. Because of their low weight and scrutiny of the unique properties of black holes are very difficult objects to create their mathematical models. But the complexity of the mathematical model of the collision of two black holes and say why not. However, such a model has already been created and the results of its calculations allowed the researchers to make a video that illustrates the enormity of the event, which manifests itself in the form of two "maneuvering" black bodies, distorting the nearby space, even the light from distant stars.

In the world of asteroids, planets and comets all traffic collisions and obey the laws of classical physics. These laws are a set of rules that imposed even Isaac Newton to describe concepts such as acceleration, deceleration, speed, kinetic energy and its transmission from one body to another in a collision. Classical Newtonian Dynamics works quite well in the simulation, for example, landing on other planets, the trajectories of celestial bodies, and even the fall of a massive asteroid to Earth. But at the time, Albert Einstein showed that Newtonian physics is at best a rather crude approximation of the laws of the global behavior of everything in the universe.

Black holes due to its gravity distorts space-time continuum in the surrounding space, creating space radiating gravitational perturbations. When two black holes approach each other at a distance sufficient to enter the gravitational traps each other, they begin to converge, moving at a rate of a substantial fraction of the speed of light. And what happens with the space at this time, the scientists describe the following phrase: "It is the space in the area of ​​near black holes, just torn into small pieces." And every time scientists have tried to describe the ongoing processes in such moments, "such formulas were obtained, that our brains were ready to explode with it" - says physicist Matthew Duez (Matthew Duez).

Matthew Duez, a scientist in the field of theoretical physics, works in the project Simulating Extreme Spacetimes (SXS), he says that within a few decades, when it came to the creation of mathematical models of black holes, the researchers used a set of much simpler and trim concepts to provide mediocre results. However, in their work, scientists project SXS tried to avoid it as possible, they even had to modify the equations of Einstein's field that determine the levels of space-time distortion under the influence of extremely high forces.

Model of the black hole, the project team developed SXS, improved and supplemented for quite a long time. And as a result, it has reached a level, when her help was possible to simulate the collision of two massive black holes, showing something, but what it can be like when viewed from the side. Scientists placed two virtual black hole at the center of the Milky Way virtual, and then start the program of mathematical modeling "tracking" of each ray of light from distant stars, through which you can get a visual representation of the collision.

If you view the video at maximum quality, and in full screen mode, you can see the appearance, disappearance and displacement of the rays of light that seems to literally dance around the black hole under the influence of gravity. Naturally, the stars themselves in the background remain stationary, but their emitted light begins to "swirl", refracted, and focus revolve around the gravitational lens of a black hole, forming a halo round, known as the "Einstein rings".

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