воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Alphabet predicts the global Internet by the end of 2016

Owns the search engine giant Google Alphabet company predicts that by the end of 2016, even the most remote regions of the world will have access to affordable internet with the help of the project company named Loon initiative.

The company is about to launch the next batch of Internet-balls in Indonesia and hopes to create a network of air Wi-Fi points above the planet by the end of the year.

This network will include balloons 300 that provide access to the network even if one of them will be carried away by the wind.

The initiative was announced Vice President Project Loon Mike Cassidy, who said that they hope the next year to build the first obscheplanetnaya interconnected network and for some regions to provide continuous coverage.

In May last year, Google tested the inflatable cylinders Project Loon in Brazil as part of his first experiment with networks 4G. In February 2014 a record for a balloon in the stratosphere up to 50 days, and in March of 2015 it has 187 days.

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