понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

Using face creams has led to the prolongation of life and weight loss

The ingredients that make up most of the cream, have not only anti-aging effect, but also lead to a decrease in consumption of high-calorie food. This is the conclusion scientists published an article in the journal Aging Cell. This site EurekAlert! He said on Thursday, December 17th.

Scientists have studied the nematode treated included in anti-aging creams compounds such as allantoin, rapamycin and trichostatin A LY-294002. After receiving the drugs the average life span of worms grown by about 20 percent. In addition, they experienced fewer health problems.

As shown by test mutant worm (Caenorhabditis elegans), animals began to eat much less food, resulting in reduced calorie their diet.

Scientists are going to continue their studies. In particular, they are interested in experiments with mammals (which include person), and the molecular mechanisms by which allantoin and other compounds are able to prolong the life of.

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