пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

Marriage increases the chances of survival after surgery - scientists

The researchers are not just focused on the health benefits of marriage for men and women (although many such conclusions seem strange). Now, however, experts say that the chances of survival after heart surgery in married / married also higher.

A new study published in the journal JAMA Surgery, and an overview is available in the press release of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The authors of the work are Mark Newman (Mark D. Neuman) and Werner Rachel (Rachel M. Werner). The scientists studied about 30 thousand. People in 17 years. Then there were selected 1576 people who underwent heart surgery in the past two years. 65% of the number of participants in this experiment were married / single. 12% of men were divorced, and another 21% - a widower. In the group were also 2% of those who never married.

Generally divorced and widowed people showed lower chance of survival after surgery. The likelihood that they will die or get a new heart problems, was 40% higher if the analogy with married / married. Scientists have identified here are two aspects to explain the phenomenon. First, the unmarried was called a "psychologically stable." Second, an important role in the operation have relatives (whom living alone who is less than or does not). They can help in choosing the hospital or surgeon.

"Family - a factor that allows to predict survival and recovery from heart surgery. Further research is needed to determine the mechanisms that link the marital status and postoperative outcomes, "- say the study authors.

Previously, scientists have repeatedly emphasized the benefits of marriage for people's health. The average life expectancy of married men and women was higher than the life expectancy alone. Lowest results showed divorced: they, in particular, the risk of dying from pneumonia was six times higher. In such cases, researchers have focused on the need for social support. The social isolation, in turn, can be harmful, like cigarettes or alcohol. On the other hand, marital problems (if they exist) may also have a negative impact on human health.

Who has found a soul mate, and challenges await another kind. German and Swiss scientists, for example, believe that marriage increases the chances of obesity. The difference between the body mass of single and married / married ceteris paribus was about 1 kg. The experts themselves say that although unmarried, and consume more healthy foods, they pay less than the time of their appearance that negates the positive effect. The study involved people of Russia and the European Union.

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