пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

Scientists from Russia told why a man becomes a murderer

Russian researchers believe that the new discovery will help to calculate the people capable of cold-blooded murder. Scientists also point to the ineffectiveness of some modern methods of detecting them.

On the findings of experts according to the press service of the Novosibirsk State University, the results were published in a leading international forensic publications Journal of Criminal Justice. Even in developed countries and then committed brutal murders, and scientists are interested in including a genetic predisposition to it. In modern science, one of the prevailing theory is that encouraging the murder of impulsive aggression develops in childhood on the background of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

However, scientists from Novosibirsk, working under the direction of Peter Menshanova believe that this theory can not explain many cases of murder. This, in particular, is a cold-blooded and planned actions, the commission of which the offender does not show impulsive violence. Another interesting fact is that many of these people were brought up in a good family and did not have any problems as a child.

Total scientists examined (biography and genotyping) 161 criminals convicted in Russia for serious crimes. 85 people from this number received a sentence for murder, and 76 - for inflicting injuries not resulting in death. The focus was on the people who acted in cold blood, but not in the heat of passion.

Such criminals, scientists have found the development of "planned aggression", which is associated with some forms of dopamine receptor D4. The latter is one of the five types of dopamine receptors of vertebrates: it encodes a gene associated with different phenotypes and behavioral disorders. It is, in particular, the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, schizophrenia, as well as the tendency to search for something new.

"The key is the point that the gene has revealed a profile of effects. One of them - non-standard thinking "- the authors note study. This means that the widely practiced treatment of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity can be useless when it comes to the prevention of homicides.

Russian scientists, meanwhile, does not believe that the murder can be predicted by genotype with absolute certainty. It is only about "thinking outside the box" of some people who are able to dangerous actions. They commit a crime or not, depends on many social factors.

Earlier, similar conclusions presented Finnish scientists. According to them, a person can be "dangerous" variants of genes, but a real threat to society, he will be only if it is to grow up in a hostile environment.

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