пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

One of the most burning mysteries of the early history of America

One of the most burning mysteries of early American history - the complete disappearance of the colony founded in the XVII century by Sir Walter Raleigh on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina.

In the settlement, there were 170 people, including women and children.

Around the hostile Indian tribes lived.

Founded a colony, Raleigh sailed on his ship, but a few years back. To his utter astonishment, houses were empty!

There was no trace of the massacre, or fire, or other disaster. No trace of the missing British. Only one wooden post sported a mysterious inscription, carved with a knife, "Croatan" ...

Only a century later to find the first thread to unravel. White hunters wandered in one Indian village, two hundred miles from Roanoke.

There, as it turned out, lived Croatan Indians. Their skin is very different light color, but at home - an improved layout. Moreover, in a conversation Croatan use old English!

In 1790, in a strange village it was first census of the population. It turned out that many Indians - English names; and, in 54 cases, these names were the same as that of the missing settlers of Roanoke.

Draw attention to themselves and other circumstances. Island settled immigrants from the English city of Skoviltauna - the Indian village was called Skafltaun! ..

When the elders of the village told the researchers that their ancestors were white-skinned, blue-eyed and "talking books" - the last doubts vanished.

Nearly two centuries ago, the colonists of Roanoke - all without exception - was captured and taken inland warriors Croatan.

Maybe someone from the settlers decided to cut on the pillar inscription tells the story of the tragedy of the island. But only managed to scribble the name of a tribe attacked a Roanoke ...

Evolution of stars

Although the human time scale, and the stars seem to be eternal, they, like all things in nature, are born, live and die. According to the generally accepted hypothesis dust cloud, a star is born as a result of gravitational compression of interstellar gas and dust clouds. As the seal of the cloud is first formed protostar, the temperature at the center has grown steadily until it reaches the limit required for the speed of the thermal motion of particles exceeded the threshold at which the protons are able to overcome the macroscopic forces of mutual electrostatic repulsion and join the reaction of thermonuclear fusion.

As a result, a multi-stage reaction of thermonuclear fusion of four protons eventually formed the nucleus of helium (2 protons + 2 neutrons) and stands a fountain of different elementary particles. In the final state the total mass of the produced particles smaller than that of the original four protons, and thus in the process of reaction produces free energy. Because of this, the inner core of the new-born star quickly heated to extremely high temperatures, and the excess energy begins to spill toward it less hot surface - and out. At the same time the pressure in the center of the star begins to rise. Thus, the "burning" of hydrogen in fusion reactions, the star does not give the forces of gravitational attraction to squeeze themselves to a superdense state, opposing gravitational collapse continuously renewable internal thermal pressure, resulting in an sustainable energy balance. About the stars on the stage of active hydrogen combustion say they are on the "main phase" of their life cycle or evolution (see. Hertzsprung-Russell). The transformation of one chemical element into another inside a star is called nuclear fusion and nucleosynthesis.

In particular, the Sun is in the active phase of the combustion of hydrogen in the process of nucleosynthesis active for about 5 billion years, and stocks of hydrogen in the core for its continuation of our luminary should last another 5.5 billion years. The more massive the star, the greater the margin of hydrogen fuel at its disposal, but to counter the force of the gravitational collapse of hydrogen, it is necessary to burn with the intensity that exceeds the rate of growth of the rate of growth of reserves of hydrogen with increasing mass of the star. Thus, the more massive the star, the shorter its lifetime, determined by depletion of hydrogen, and the biggest stars are literally burn for "some" tens of millions of years. The smallest stars, on the other hand, the "comfortably" there are hundreds of billions of years. So on this scale our Sun belongs to "a strong middle peasants".

Sooner or later, however, any star will spend the whole suitable for burning in its thermonuclear furnace hydrogen. What's next? It also depends on the mass of the star. Sun (and all the stars, does not exceed the weight of more than eight times) ends his life rather banal way. With the depletion of hydrogen in the interior of the star power of gravitational contraction, waited patiently for this hour since the inception of the lights begin to prevail - and under the influence of the star begins to shrink and thicken. This process leads to a twofold effect: temperature in the layers immediately surrounding the core of the star rises to a level at which the hydrogen contained therein comes, finally, to the reaction of thermonuclear fusion to form helium. At the same time, the temperature in the core, consisting Now almost one helium rises so much that the mere helium - a kind of "ashes" decaying primary reaction nucleosynthesis - enters a new fusion reaction: three helium nuclei form one carbon nucleus. This process is a secondary reaction of thermonuclear fusion, the fuel for which the products are the primary reaction - one of the key moments of the life cycle of stars.

When the secondary combustion of helium in the core is released so much energy that the star begins to literally swell. In particular, the shell of the sun at this stage of life will extend beyond the orbit of Venus. Thus the total energy of the radiation of the star remains approximately at the same level as during the main phase of her life, but, as this energy is emitted now through a much greater surface area, the outer layer of the star cools down to the red part of the spectrum. Star turns into a red giant.

For star-class Sun after the depletion of fuel supply secondary reaction nucleosynthesis, again comes the stage of gravitational collapse - this time final. The temperature inside the core is no longer able to rise to the level required to start the fusion reaction the next level. Therefore, the star contracts until such time as the forces of gravitational attraction will not be balanced by the following power barrier. In his role acts the pressure of the degenerate electron gas (see. Chandrasekhar limit). Electrons to this stage to play the role of unemployed extras in the evolution of stars, not engaging in nuclear fusion and moving freely between the nuclei in the process of synthesis, at a certain stage of compression are deprived of "living space" and begin to "resist" further gravitational compression of the star. Status star stabilizes, and it turns into a degenerate white dwarf, which will radiate into space the residual heat, until cool completely.

Stars more massive than the sun, waiting for a much more spectacular end. After combustion of helium mass in compression is sufficient to heat the core and shell to the temperatures required to run the following reactions of nucleosynthesis - carbon, then silicon, magnesium - and so on, the growth of nuclear masses. Thus at the beginning of each new reaction in the core continues its previous envelope. In fact, all chemical elements up to iron, of which the universe was formed as a result of nucleosynthesis in the interior of the dying star of this type. But iron - is the limit; it can not serve as fuel for nuclear fusion reactions, or the collapse at any temperature and pressure, as for its collapse, and to add to it additional nucleons needed influx of external energy. As a result of a massive star gradually accumulates inside the iron core, incapable serve as fuel for any further nuclear reactions.

Once the temperature and pressure inside the core reaches a certain level, the electrons begin to react with the protons of iron nuclei, whereby the neutrons produced. And in a very short period of time - some theorists believe that this takes a matter of seconds - available throughout the previous evolution of the star, electrons literally dissolve in the proton nuclei of iron, all the material core of the star turns into a solid bunch of neutrons and begins to rapidly shrink in gravitational collapse because to oppose it degenerate electron gas pressure drops to zero. The outer shell of the star, from under which is stamped every prop, falls towards the center. The energy of the collision with the outer shell of the collapsed core of a neutron is so high that it is with great speed bounce and scatter in all directions from the nucleus - and the star literally explodes in a blinding flash of a supernova. In a matter of seconds in a supernova explosion can be released into space more energy than is emitted at the same time all the stars of the galaxy together.

After supernova shell expansion and the stars of a mass of about 10-30 solar masses ongoing gravitational collapse leads to the formation of a neutron star, a substance which is compressed until until begins to be felt degeneracy pressure of neutrons - in other words, now the neutrons (like Moreover, as previously did the electrons) begin to resist further compression, demanding currently living space. It usually occurs on reaching the size of a star about 15 km in diameter. The result is a rapidly spinning neutron star emitting electromagnetic pulses at a frequency of rotation; Such stars are called pulsars. Finally, if the mass of the star's core is more than 30 solar masses, nothing can stop its further gravitational collapse, and as a result of a supernova a black hole.

Antiparasitic drug makes the blood toxic to human malarial mosquitoes

Ivermectin belongs to the avermectin family, antimalarial, for which this year's Chinese Tu Yu won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. However, even its recognized ability to help in the fight against malaria, seem to have been underestimated. Recent studies show that massive use of ivermectin population significantly reduces the number of mosquitoes - malaria vectors.
Generally ivermectin has a fairly broad antiparasitic activity, it is used in the fight against lice, nematodes, mites, and is known for its insecticidal activity. That is, according to the American entomologist Bryan Foy (Brian Foy) and his colleagues, making ivermectin potential weapons of mass destruction in the fight against malaria. "For a person in reasonable doses, it is safe enough. Therefore, if we "vaccinate" ivermectin majority of the population, some mosquitoes bite people die immediately, while others will be weakened and unable to survive - about the researchers reasoned. - Tooth for a tooth! "
Indeed, in the laboratory, where scientists are allowed to drink plenty komariha blood containing the drug in different concentrations were obtained very encouraging results. Since then, Brian Foy and his team decided to move to field trials. Teaming up with colleagues from Burkina Faso, they conducted experiments in several villages in the south-west of the country. The population of "vaccinated" with ivermectin in combination with anthelminthics (albendazole) - a standard local "cocktail" for protection against tropical parasites are common, which is recommended for use twice a year. However, taking ivermectin continued every three weeks, almost without exception (except for pregnant women and young children).
The brave experiment started only in June 2015 and is still ongoing. But its first results, according to Brian Foy, inspire great optimism. Speaking recently at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the scientist reported that it was in the past six months, the incidence in the four experimental villages has decreased in comparison with its neighbors, where no additional intake of ivermectin is not appointed. During this period, it recorded 94 cases of malaria is less than might be expected.

On the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko found oxygen

Space probe "Rosetta", to the surprise of planetary scientists, discovered a large amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko. It turned out that oxygen has experienced the formation of the solar system that scientists believe is impossible. This finding refutes a significant part of the theories of planetary formation.

The study is published in the magazine Nature. According to the participants of the scientific team of "Rosetta" Katherine Altwegg of the University of Bern, the space probe "Rosetta" discovered oxygen in a gas cloud surrounding the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko (67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko), almost immediately after he arrived in the vicinity of the comet August last year. However, scientists have long believed in the impossible, they said, the phenomenon. "When we saw this, we have begun to doubt, because I did not expect to find such a comet. The main question - how he (oxygen) got there, "- Catherine said Altwegg. The researchers found that oxygen is the fourth to extend the gas around the comet after water vapor, carbon monoxide and dioxide.

As suggested planetary oxygen got into the bowels of the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko at a time when it is a collection of microscopic grains of dust and ice on the outskirts of the future of the solar system. That is, the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere of the comet over the system that denies many existing theories of planet formation.

Until now komah comets found, mainly water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases, and scientists believed that in the early stage of formation of the solar system occurred oxygen reacted with hydrogen and therefore can be found in the comet substance consisting only of water.

"According to the available scientific models, it could not have existed for so long. It reveals the mechanism of origin of the solar system. It has to be quiet for the formation of ice grains. They are still in the initial state. Now we have evidence that most of the comet survived the creation of the solar system, "- said one of the study's authors Andre Bailey of the University of Michigan.

Rosetta spacecraft with the descent module Philae («Fila") launched on board the comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko in 2004. His goal, he reached in 2014 and will finish the work in September 2016. The device will come close to the comet, exploring it, and eventually fall to the outer body.

Marriage increases the chances of survival after surgery - scientists

The researchers are not just focused on the health benefits of marriage for men and women (although many such conclusions seem strange). Now, however, experts say that the chances of survival after heart surgery in married / married also higher.

A new study published in the journal JAMA Surgery, and an overview is available in the press release of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The authors of the work are Mark Newman (Mark D. Neuman) and Werner Rachel (Rachel M. Werner). The scientists studied about 30 thousand. People in 17 years. Then there were selected 1576 people who underwent heart surgery in the past two years. 65% of the number of participants in this experiment were married / single. 12% of men were divorced, and another 21% - a widower. In the group were also 2% of those who never married.

Generally divorced and widowed people showed lower chance of survival after surgery. The likelihood that they will die or get a new heart problems, was 40% higher if the analogy with married / married. Scientists have identified here are two aspects to explain the phenomenon. First, the unmarried was called a "psychologically stable." Second, an important role in the operation have relatives (whom living alone who is less than or does not). They can help in choosing the hospital or surgeon.

"Family - a factor that allows to predict survival and recovery from heart surgery. Further research is needed to determine the mechanisms that link the marital status and postoperative outcomes, "- say the study authors.

Previously, scientists have repeatedly emphasized the benefits of marriage for people's health. The average life expectancy of married men and women was higher than the life expectancy alone. Lowest results showed divorced: they, in particular, the risk of dying from pneumonia was six times higher. In such cases, researchers have focused on the need for social support. The social isolation, in turn, can be harmful, like cigarettes or alcohol. On the other hand, marital problems (if they exist) may also have a negative impact on human health.

Who has found a soul mate, and challenges await another kind. German and Swiss scientists, for example, believe that marriage increases the chances of obesity. The difference between the body mass of single and married / married ceteris paribus was about 1 kg. The experts themselves say that although unmarried, and consume more healthy foods, they pay less than the time of their appearance that negates the positive effect. The study involved people of Russia and the European Union.

Scientists: A person can determine the distance to the ear

American researchers in the experiment found that people can unconsciously calculate the distance to the visible or hidden away objects based only on the sound intervals. Moreover, the human brain more confidence intervals audio than visual images.

Because the speed of light is the speed of sound, one can see certain events before they hear. For example, by measuring the elapsed time between a flash of lightning and thunder, you can roughly determine the distance at which the storm. However, scientists from the University of Rochester in New York during the experiment found that people can unconsciously calculate distance, relying only on the sound intervals. The study is published in the scientific journal PLoS One.

"Despite the fact that people are primarily visual creatures, our research shows that the assessment of the relative distance to objects is more accurate when the visual data is backed up beeps. Our brains detect acoustic signals, even if they are separated from the visual is too short to consciously notice it, the time "- said study author Dugi Tadini.

Dugi Tadini and his colleagues were able to find out what people unconsciously notice sound intervals that do not exceed 40 milliseconds. Subtle consciously pause between the signals used to determine the distance. In the first experiment, volunteers were asked to move the stereoscopic glasses two geometric shapes, until they are at the same distance from the observer. Simultaneously with the appearance of each figure (or immediately after the onset) heard a click. It turns out that when you click retarded figure was perceived as more distant - even if it was actually closer.

In the second experiment, the figure moved quickly toward the back and the participants. When at the same time people heard the sound delayed by only 42 milliseconds, the object was seen as far (even if its proximity to the observer). Furthermore, if removal of the figure coincides with the delay of sound (the natural situation), people can more accurately determine the relative distance to the object. "It is striking that the participants could not consciously identify that there were sound delay, but nevertheless it had a great impact on the perception of distance," - said one of the researchers, Philip Dzhekl.

Scientists from Russia told why a man becomes a murderer

Russian researchers believe that the new discovery will help to calculate the people capable of cold-blooded murder. Scientists also point to the ineffectiveness of some modern methods of detecting them.

On the findings of experts according to the press service of the Novosibirsk State University, the results were published in a leading international forensic publications Journal of Criminal Justice. Even in developed countries and then committed brutal murders, and scientists are interested in including a genetic predisposition to it. In modern science, one of the prevailing theory is that encouraging the murder of impulsive aggression develops in childhood on the background of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

However, scientists from Novosibirsk, working under the direction of Peter Menshanova believe that this theory can not explain many cases of murder. This, in particular, is a cold-blooded and planned actions, the commission of which the offender does not show impulsive violence. Another interesting fact is that many of these people were brought up in a good family and did not have any problems as a child.

Total scientists examined (biography and genotyping) 161 criminals convicted in Russia for serious crimes. 85 people from this number received a sentence for murder, and 76 - for inflicting injuries not resulting in death. The focus was on the people who acted in cold blood, but not in the heat of passion.

Such criminals, scientists have found the development of "planned aggression", which is associated with some forms of dopamine receptor D4. The latter is one of the five types of dopamine receptors of vertebrates: it encodes a gene associated with different phenotypes and behavioral disorders. It is, in particular, the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, schizophrenia, as well as the tendency to search for something new.

"The key is the point that the gene has revealed a profile of effects. One of them - non-standard thinking "- the authors note study. This means that the widely practiced treatment of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity can be useless when it comes to the prevention of homicides.

Russian scientists, meanwhile, does not believe that the murder can be predicted by genotype with absolute certainty. It is only about "thinking outside the box" of some people who are able to dangerous actions. They commit a crime or not, depends on many social factors.

Earlier, similar conclusions presented Finnish scientists. According to them, a person can be "dangerous" variants of genes, but a real threat to society, he will be only if it is to grow up in a hostile environment.

Why millionaires wear the same thing every day?

Despite the rapid development of the fashion industry, is gaining more and more popularity so-called capsule wardrobe - wardrobe of just 10-15 basic things. And often it is addressed the richest and most successful people.
1. Less solutions. The more decisions you need to take, the worse the quality. For example, this opinion is shared by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. For people who every day make important decisions at work, removing even the smallest item on the list - such as a selection of morning what to wear - frees more time and space in mind for other thoughts.

2. Less waste of time. We have no idea how much time is spent on the selection of clothes, while not abandoning it. Five years ago in Moscow, an experiment was conducted under the name "333": for 3 months had to wear only 33 of the garment. The test confirmed that the lion's share started to save time in the morning was easier and faster to get ready for work.

3. Less stress. As the art director Mathilde Kal from New York, adhering capsule wardrobe she is experiencing less about clothes for the day. No more of these thoughts: it's not too formal? not too open? "I almost always regretted that worn once approached the subway platform." But now, in the original silk white shirt and black trousers she had on one point of concern is less than daily.

4. spend less energy. This adheres to the idea of ​​Christopher Nolan, the famous director. He notes that energy requires not only a large selection of clothing, but its further maintenance, prompting him about parsing things, laundry, and so on. D. That is what successful people want to spend less time and energy.

5. Less, but better. Often, large wardrobe does not mean that you wear all that it is. "Before, my wardrobe was like a pastry shop with its huge and overwhelming diversity, - says one young mother. - And most of my clothes I did not like, I felt uncomfortable in them. Now my capsule wardrobe - it's like an elite restaurant. I have a smaller choice of options, but I'm sure that each of them - perfect. I do not only look better but also feel better. "

6. cult status. Writer Alice Gregory from New York said: "Wear the same thing every day - it is a cult. It is a cheap and easy way to feel famous. The same suit reflects your maturity, stability, constant value. That is why the characters in children's books are always the same - they are an example to follow, a constant and reliable. "

7. Lower costs. Frankly: in our closets are many things that we did not even put. And now calculate how much this extra money spent!

Hours of Soviet vacuum fluorescent display

Smart clock, much more common, is no surprise. But the engineer John De Cristofaro created a device that is guaranteed to attract interested glances.

It is a self-made clock in the style of cyberpunk with vacuum fluorescent display, which have been widely used in the early 80-ies of the last century and are still used today.

There is no 8-core processors, there is Android on board and there is no memory card slot. This is a digital clock that just show the time. However, working hours are from ordinary penlight batteries and, according to the source, can be worked only 6-10 hours. Why do you need such a device - it's a big question. But, you see, it looks very impressive.

43 exercises for the development of creative thinking

These exercises should perform writing. For each try to set aside some time - 7 minutes, for example.

Close your eyes. Consider one of the objects in the room. Without opening his eyes, list as many signs of this subject. Open your eyes and write down everything you remember, still not looking at the object.

Choose a poem that you like. Use it as the last line of the first line of your own poems.

Where do you go when you want to relax a bit? Write about this place.

In 400 words, describe the ideal place where you want to live.

Write what you would say the intruder, you dropped in at 3am.

Write a story that begins with the words: "One day I had the opportunity ... but I missed it."

Letter to the past. Write a letter to yourself 10-year-old.

In 200 words, describe your first toy.

Write about the most difficult decision you ever made.

Write about the easiest decision, which you have ever taken.

Write a story about the empty glass.

Think about the most boring day in your life. Describe it, but remember that your story does not have to be the same boring.

Start the article 500 the words: "If I could change anything, I would change ..."

Write an explanation why you are not working to improve their writing skills on a daily basis.

Write a story about a blue object.

Imagine that you are in a room full of people, but you are in a single-blind. Record what you see the room and the people in his imagination.

Make a list of everything you're afraid. Choose one of fear and write about it.

In 200 words, describe the hot day.

What do you do in bad weather? Write about this story in 250 words.

Write about what dishes you are treated to the worst enemy.

Think about the person can be called too proud. Describe the behavior of this man.

Using 150 words, describe the appearance, occupation and habits of the person by name, say, Anatoly Bublikov.

List the 50 actions, which you never committed.

Write a monologue on behalf of the fresh-cut flower.

Compose a story, using the keywords "dog breeder-trainer", "law", "beach", "bun".

Write monologue clean socks by mistake got into the refrigerator scored products.

List 15 reasons to learn a foreign language.

Why is the teacher going to change careers? Call at least 10 reasons.

List the 7 worst phrases that can only be said that the dismissed person.

Write a short speech from the angry 7 paragraphs from each of them the expression "growing like a weed."

Write a short story using the word "preacher", "coin", "comb", "staircase", "well".

Write a short story with the story: clones of Elvis Presley conquered the world.

Think of at least 7 reasons, including the most improbable why antiques dealer left his town.

Write a monologue on behalf of a single tree, remaining at the site of the forest after all the other trees are cut down.

List 8 noteworthy reasons justifying a liar.

Write a short story using the word "priest", "ring", "garden", "binoculars".

Ask 5 options inserts the following request: "Please, do not wrinkle ___ because (otherwise, and that) ___."

List 10 things for which you have given to the last 500 rubles a week to paycheck.

Compose a story using the words "Grandpa", "album", "mail", "match".

7 Name the circumstances because of which may blush a dramatist.

Write a monologue on behalf of a spoon caught in a dishwasher.

You get home from the store. List 10 reasons, including the most incredible why the front door of your apartment open.

Write instructions on how to teach a pet cockroach tap dance.