понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

Reaching out to the consumer

Psychological methods by which advertising promotes a feeling of dissatisfaction with the fact that the consumer is, in every way, and encourages it to all new and new purchases.
Analysis of the motives or what drives the consumer
Why people choose this brand from the variety of products in this category.
For a quality of advertised goods should make the main emphasis to coerce the consumer to buy.

A study of the motives of purchase - a very important psychological aspect of the campaign, which has a large impact on its success. For example, Tefal for a long time believed that the primary motivation for buying a frying pan with Teflon coating is that the preparation of these pans not require spending a single gram of oil. However, later it turned out that the main incentive for their purchase was the fact that with such a coating pan is very easy to clean, because the food does not stick to the surface.

The contents of the campaign changed, which greatly increased its efficiency. To find out the true motives of shopping is quite difficult, because often they are irrational, that is, one that can not be explained from the standpoint of elementary logic. David Ogilvy said: "The greater the similarity between the products, the smaller role in their choice of plays mind. This applies not only cigarettes, beer, confectionery and similar items broadest demand, but also the cars. "

Known an interesting psychological experiment to identify the motives of purchase soap. First, by polling people on the street recognized what properties soaps are most important when choosing this product in the store. Most responded that, first of all - it's detergency, fragrance soap, and only then - its color and shape. However, when the same people handed soap, about 70% of them have done the following: launched it felt face, sniffed it and then weighed in the hand soap. By their conduct they have shown that the weight of the soap for them is almost the basic meaning, but in the process of interrogation nobody will mention. Moreover, neither the weight nor the properties of the surface of a dry bar of soap does not determine its detergent properties, originally declared as a major in the choice of soap. In addition, women are willing to pay for soap many times more if it promises them not only clean, but also beauty.

Consumers in the shower baby

This psychological technique is scientifically called a return to the experiences of childhood. These experiences are particularly vigorously exploited in the advertising of food products, cigarettes and chewing gum. The fundamental basis here is the interpretation of the oral cavity, as a zone of pleasure. Baby finds comfort and pleasure in the mother's breast, adult - in food, smoking, sucking. Many foods become so hidden psychological value by quite understandable to absolutely absurd. Smoking a fat cigar reproduces the thumb-sucking, smoking long cigarettes - biting nails. Chewing gum or sucking candy relieves stress, calms. Soups like the people for the reason that unconsciously remind us of amniotic fluid in the womb. Ice cream should be shown in advertising not as neatly laid out bags, and abundant portions on plates or in vases, because here the user can satisfy children's desire to crush her mouth and all the face in the coveted sweets.

Psychoanalysis or sex in advertising

That's the psychology of psychoanalysis prompted advertisers to promote the idea among the population a sense of dissatisfaction with what he has, and in every way to encourage all new and new purchases, which you need to refer to the incentives that are stored in the subconscious of consumers and vigorously exploit them. 3. The teaching of Freud prompted advertisers around the world begin to vigorously exploit the subconscious of consumers. The main was that the advertised product was subconsciously appealing. The basis of the attractiveness of the goods - sexuality in a broad sense. Sexual motifs used in advertising empirically long before the advent of psychoanalysis, but Freud's doctrine 3. encouraged to look at the matter differently. One of the main motives of advertising was the identification of the goods, services unconscious sexual motives, preferences. For example, when print is shown in the car several naked beauties, the brand thus refers to the deep subconscious motives of the consumer: "We know that you want to have sexual relations with many women. We all know what you want - we ourselves are. " In most cases, hidden sexual motives in advertising overt act better. Advertisers prefer longer offer the consumer and thinking the dream than to show.

Gender differences

Psychoanalysts have found that men and women are different motives buying the same goods. So in advertising real estate or goods for the house should be aware that the man is looking at the house, as a mother, to which it comes to rest after a tiring day, a woman identifies herself with the house. Accordingly, the advertisement should be differentiated according to the target audience. Different attitudes of men and women and sex. This is due to the biological and psychological differences between the sexes, which are always much deeper than superficial cultural influences. Accordingly, advertising focused on the male and female audience is very different in their focus. With men it's simple. It is believed that man biologically characterized by polygamy, allowing genes to fertilize their maximum number of women.

Thus, for any man young and beautiful woman is an object of sexual desire. Therefore, advertising must:
1) attract the attention of men sexy female body;
2) to create a consumer association clear: buy the advertised product - get a smart woman, and maybe several. The logic of advertising messages is as follows: a woman wants a man always has precisely this product.

For women approach difficult. Feelings that advertising is designed to stimulate the female audience, brilliantly describes the famous monologue Ellochka-ogress of "The Twelve Chairs": "Seeing me as a man excite. They tremble. They will go after me on the edge of the world, stammering with love. But I will stay cold. Do they cost me? I am the most beautiful!". At the same time about sex as such it often does not go. Nude male body, which often can be seen in such advertising is not erotic, but rather romantic and aesthetic character. It is believed that women are physically attractive man is important, but not the defining feature of his sexuality. The woman is more pragmatic and any potential partner, it is evaluated primarily on the social and biological factors. Hence the set of typical characteristics that supposedly wants to see "real man" average woman: self-confidence, sensitivity to women, attention to her request, solvency, high social status.

The power of color

While developing the corporate image, print advertising, packaging or logo, it is very important to consider the design: to position the text, find the spectacular picture and choose the color scheme, against which advertising product is perceived to be the best way. At the same time, according to psychologists, to the choice of colors can not be taken lightly, because the color creates emotion and consumer calls the appropriate response. By selecting a specific color can be controlled by the ratio of consumer advertising, and creating the necessary environment can cause color consumer advertising favorable view of the brand and the desire to buy the advertised product.


It adjusts to resolve, and can cause a person a strong desire to make this or that act, to make vigorous efforts and buy advertised tovar.Semantika this color - attention, do not pass by, act for the sake of action: boldly, recklessly, yielding first to the senses. The red color and also has a certain sexual charge. This is especially necessary to take into account those who advertises products are designed for men for whom red color has always been significant.


It helps to cause a surge of vitality, giving an optimistic tone. The ancients considered it the color of health and creativity. This color is best used in the advertising of medicines, children's products and services in health and education. Orange adds activity, but it gives a sense of inner balance and spiritual harmony.


Adjusts to communicate. This color of openness and sociability. He also helps to give the waxing balance emotions, to find inner peace, calm the anxiety. In addition, yellow is able to "give" the subject of intelligence, therefore, for example, high-tech product advertising is best done in yellow. This color will be successful in the advertising of children's products, services, travel agencies, as well as advertising and PR agencies.


All softens and takes the edge off emotions. This color has a healing, relaxing effect. And it will be appropriate and effective in the advertising of medicines, health centers, and environmental protection.


Perfect assistant in the field of personal relationships: it enhances the senses, making us more alert, affectionate and sensitive. The range of use of this color may be the most wide: advertising perfumes, goods for women and children to the services of marriage agencies and family centers.

Blue - is also set to a region of feelings, but more elevated, more platonic than mundane. This color is a friendly affection, kinship of souls. Blue - the color of peace and universal harmony. It gives an opportunity to feel an invisible connection with the universe, and is able to give a holistic view of the subject, and the subject / business - Global and a favorable outcome.


It helps to focus on the essentials: small things are not blurred, do not throw away. Blue item in the catalog or brochure immediately attract attention, and, in contrast to the red, will never cause negative emotions.


Color inner concentration. This color helps to deepen the internal: it helps to abstract from all currently unnecessary and concentrate on the main issue. Another interesting detail - a well-violet stimulates the brain and contributes to the solution of creative problems. Not coincidentally, so purple love creative people. Therefore, in advertising, service-oriented creative elite item in purple, according to psychologists, is a must.

The black

Color samopogruzheniya: it helps to isolate themselves from everything, withdraw and concentrate on solving a particular problem. However, at the same time, the color can be set to the melancholy and despondency. The black comes a sense of loneliness and isolation from the outside world. That is why the color poligrafreklame better not to use. This recommendation is, of course, does not apply to text and tables.

White - the color of complete openness, a willingness to see the world in all its diversity. And the color is good because it does not bear any discomfort. One has only to note that the use of mono colors in print advertising can create a neutral effect when consumer advertising just reported the information about the product, without establishing any accents and priorities.

Interestingly, the ratio of the color in each country of their own, and there is even a cultural identity that should be taken into account, engaged in the development of an advertising campaign in a particular country. In America, red is associated with love, yellow - with prosperity, green - with hope, blue - with loyalty, white represents purity, serenity, peace, and the black - a symbol of the complexity and emergency. In Austria, the most popular is the green, Bulgaria - dark green and brown, Pakistan - emerald green, and the Netherlands - the orange and blue. In general, the closer to the East, the more importance is attached to the symbolism of color. In China, red is the kindness and bravery, black - honesty, and white in contrast to the generally accepted European symbol of purity and holiness, associated with meanness and duplicity. Therefore, working on the development of an advertising campaign, for example, in China, it is necessary to choose the right colors, otherwise there is a chance of being misunderstood.

четверг, 7 января 2016 г.

In obesity, scientists have accused the subconscious

According to scientists from the British University of Exeter, the causes of overeating followed by a obesity are rooted in the human unconscious. Responsible for the "accumulation Zhirkov" admitted evolutionary mechanism.

According Phys. org with reference to the results of a study of the University of British scientists, in the past, human obesity is not a threat to survival. Excessive thinness was much more dangerous. Especially carefully the body to store fat in the winter, when food in the natural environment was more difficult to obtain. "This explains why we eat so tight in the New Year and Christmas holidays, and our promise to start the new year with diets tend to fail", - concluded the study authors.

In addition to the impact of the genetic memory of the scientists also noted a weakening of the evolutionary process of appetite control. Using computer modeling, the researchers tried to find out the optimal weight and its connection with the excess of brain activity. As it turned out, the body properly responds to the requirement of a weight loss foods, but does not respond to overeating. "It would seem that the mechanics of evolution to give us to understand that the body no longer needs food. Instead, under the conditions of "artificial" food, this control is very loose. Modern food flavored evolution was stronger, "- said one of the study's authors, Professor Andrew Higginson.
15 rules of writing quality code

There are millions of ways to write bad code. Fortunately, to rise to the level of quality code, just follow the 15 rules. Their observance will not make you the master, but will allow convincingly simulate it.
● Rule 1: Follow the programming style.
Every programming language has its own programming style that tells how to indent, where to put the spaces and brackets as name objects, how to comment code etc.
For example, this piece of code in accordance with the standard error have 12:
for (i = 0; i <10; i ++) {
Study the standard of care, learn the basics by heart, follow the rules as the commandments, and your program will be better than most written graduates.
Many organizations will adapt standards to suit your specific needs. For example, Google has developed standards for more than 12 programming languages. They are well thought out, so read them, if you need help in programming at Google. Standards even include configuration editor that will help you to comply with the style and special tools, your code is verified for compliance with this style. Use them.
● Rule 2: Let's descriptive names.
Restricted slow, clumsy teletypes, programmers used in antiquity contracts for variable names and procedures to save time, knocking on the keys, ink and paper. This culture is present in some communities for the sake of backward compatibility. Take, for example, break the language function C wcscspn (wide character string complement span). But this approach is not applicable in the present code.
Use long descriptive names like complementSpanLength, to help themselves and colleagues to understand your code in the future. Exceptions are a few important variables used in the method body, such as iterators cycles, parameters, time values, or the results of execution.
More importantly, you have to think long and hard before something called. Is the exact name? Did you due highestPrice instead bestPrice? Is there enough specific name in order to avoid its use in other contexts for similar within the meaning of the objects? Is not it better to call a method getBestPrice instead getBest? Is it better than other similar names? If you have a method ReadEventLog, you should not call other NetErrorLogRead. If you call the function, whether its name describes the return value?
In conclusion, a few simple rules for naming. Class names and types must be nouns. The name of the method should contain a verb. If the method determines whether any information about the object is true or false, the name must begin with «is». Methods that return the properties of objects, must begin with «get», and set property values ​​- «set».
● Rule 3. Comment and document.
Start each method and the procedure described in the comments that the method or process does, parameters, return values ​​and possible errors and exceptions. Describe the role of each in the comments of the file and the class content of each class of the field, and the basic steps of a complex code. Write comments as code development. If you believe that then write them, you are cheating yourself.
In addition, make sure that your application or library, there is a guide that explains what your code does, determines its dependencies and provides instructions for assembling, testing, installation and use. The document must be short and easy; a README-file often enough.
● Rule 4: Do not repeat.
Never copy and paste code. Instead, select a common part to a method or a class (or a macro, if necessary), and use it with the appropriate parameters. Avoid using these and similar pieces of code. Also, use the following techniques:
Creating API reference of the comments using Javadoc and Doxygen.
Automatic generation of test Unit-based annotations and naming conventions.
Generate PDF and HTML markup from one source.
Getting the class structure of the database (or vice versa).
● Rule 5. Check for errors and respond to them.
Methods can return the signs of bugs or throw exceptions. Treat them. Do not rely on the fact that the drive is never full, your configuration file will always be in place, your application will run with all the necessary rights, requests for memory allocation will always be successfully fulfilled, or that the connection is never cut short. My Computer - Best Public! Yes, a good error handling difficult to write, and it makes the code is longer and harder to read. But ignoring the errors just sweeps the problem under the carpet, where the unsuspecting user once it detects.
● Rule 6. Separate the code into short, separate parts.
Each method, function, or code block must fit in the normal display window (lines 25-50). If you get a long, divide into smaller pieces. Even within the method of separating the long code blocks, the essence of which can be described in the comment at the beginning of each block.
Moreover, each class, module, file, or process should perform a certain kind of tasks. If a piece of code performs a completely diverse tasks, then divide it accordingly.
● Rule 7 uses an API frameworks and third-party libraries.
Learn what features are available using the API of your framework. and that they can do advanced third-party libraries. If libraries are supported by your system package manager, they are likely to be a good choice. Use the code that holds the desire to reinvent the wheel (though useless square shape).
● Rule 8. Do not go overboard with the design.
Design only what matters now. Your code can be done quite generalized, that it supports the further development, but only if it does not become too complicated. Do not create parameterized classes, factories, deep hierarchies and hidden interfaces to solve problems that did not exist - you can not guess what will happen tomorrow. On the other hand, when the structure of the code does not fit the problem, do not hesitate to refactor it.
● Rule 9. Be consistent.
Do the same thing in the same way. If you develop a method which is similar to the functionality of existing functionality, use a similar name, like the order parameters and a similar body structure. The same applies to classes. Create similar fields and methods, make them similar interfaces, and compares the new names already exist in similar classes.
Your code must match your framework agreements. For example, it is good practice to make half-open ranges: closed (including) to the left (at the beginning of the range) and open (exclusive) to the right (at the end). If a specific case there is no agreement, then make a choice and stick to it fanatically.
● Rule 10. Avoid security issues.
Modern code rarely works in isolation. It is an inevitable risk of becoming the target of attacks. They do not necessarily have to come from the Internet; attack can occur through the input of your application. Depending on your programming language and subject area, you may want to worry about buffer overflows, cross-site scripts, SQL-injections and other similar problems. Read these problems and avoid them in the code. It is not difficult.
● Rule 11. Use efficient data structures and algorithms.
Simple code is often easier to maintain than the same, but modified for the sake of efficiency. Fortunately, you can combine the maintainability and efficiency, using data structures and algorithms that enables your framework. Use the map, set, vector and algorithms that work with them. In this way your code will be cleaner, faster, more scalable and more economical memory. For example, if you save thousands of values ​​in a sorted set, then the intersection operation will find elements in common with the other set for the same number of operations, and not for a million comparisons.
● Rule 12. Use Unit-tests.
The complexity of modern software makes installation more expensive and more difficult to test. Productive approach would be to support every piece of code tests that verify the correctness of his work. This approach simplifies debugging because it allows you to detect errors earlier. Unit-testing is necessary when you are programming in dynamically typed languages ​​like Python and JavaScript, because they catch any errors only at the stage of execution, whereas statically typed languages ​​such as Java, C #, and C ++ can catch some of them in compile time. Unit-testing also allows you to refactor the code with confidence. You can use XUnit to simplify writing tests and automate their start.
● Rule 13. Keep the code portable.
If you have no particular reason, do not use the functionality that is available only on a specific platform. Do not rely on the fact that certain data types (such as integer, indexes and timestamp) will have a particular length (eg, 32 bits), because this parameter is different on different platforms. Keep the messages of the program separately from the code, and to sew up the parameters corresponding to the particular culture (eg, fractional dividers and the whole or part of the date format). Agreement need to code can be run in different countries, so do the localization as painless as possible.
● Rule 14. Make your code going.
Simple team must collect your code into a form that is ready for distribution. The team should allow you to quickly assemble and run the necessary tests. To achieve this, use the automated build tools such as Make, Apache Maven, and Ant. Ideally, you should set an integration system that will scan, collect and test your code with any change.
● Rule 15. Place everything in the version control system.
All of your items - code, documentation, source code tools, build scripts, test data - should be in the version control system. Git and GitHub make this task a cheap and hassle-free. But you are also available, and many other powerful tools and services. You should be able to assemble and test your program on the configured system, just download it from the repository.
With these 15 rules a part of your daily practice, you will eventually create code that is easier to read, which is well-tested, are more likely to start up correctly, and that it will be much easier to change when the time comes. You also will protect yourself and your users from a large number of headaches.